Apex 2: Rise of the Super Soldiers

Apex 2: Rise of the Super Soldiers by Adam Moon

Book: Apex 2: Rise of the Super Soldiers by Adam Moon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adam Moon
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affect change in the world. He could recreate it any way he wished. He’d always wanted to control people, absolutely, and now he could.
    The elation was short lived because a single thought entered his head, ruining his jubilation: he should have forced Watson to bite his own sidearm before he escaped. It didn’t really matter in the broader scope of things, but it would’ve been a nice touch to watch the man kill himself.
    He decided right then to go back as soon as possible to kill off the arrogant bastard. But first he had to find somewhere to rest and rejuvenate. A lot of work had to be done and all of it would require his utmost concentration.

At a Loss
    When Watson received word that Delacourt was missing, he had to sit down. Everything had fallen apart in such a short span of time. He wasn’t used to so much chaos.
    Melanie offered, “Maybe he teleported like Jack does.”
    Watson nodded absently. None of this made sense to him in the least. He had no options available to him to hunt down superhumans. It would be irresponsible to send his soldiers after them. And it was out of the question to ask a couple of teenagers to clean up his mess.
    Jack said, “I want to stick around until they surface. You’ll never contain them by yourself.”
    Melanie nodded. More than ever, the Commander needed their help.
    Jack mused, “I could go out and see if I can find them. They can’t have gotten far.” He wondered if his newfound ability to empathize from a distance might come in handy once again. It would help him pinpoint their whereabouts, if he could summon the ability to come forth like it had at Everest.
    Watson stood and said angrily, “Absolutely not! You’re in my custody. I’m not going to risk putting either of you in harms way. I need to get a handle on this situation before I’m willing to take action.”
    Jack smiled. “You know you can’t stop me, right?”
    Watson cocked his head to the side, trying to figure out why the boy was so hell bent on bucking authority. “I’m asking nicely, son.”
    Jack conceded. “Alright, but I’m here if you need me.”

    Delacourt had his personal puppet drive him to the nearest hotel in Cheyenne. It was a poor decision considering it would be the first place Watson would look as soon as he discovered he was missing, but he was confident enough in his new abilities to risk it. If Watson came, he’d be dealt with in brutal fashion.
    He mentally instructed his puppet to hand over his firearm and to forget they’d ever met and then sent him on his way in the truck. Then he used the power of his mind to get keys to a room for free from the desk attendant of the hotel.
    He locked the door behind him and checked through the curtains to see if he’d been followed. He was suddenly exhausted. He fell on the floral blanket with a thud and instantly blacked out.
    Little did he know that Hank and Sally were staying just a few rooms away, unconscious too.

    Sally woke up in a strange place. It was dark and musty, with the smell of stale cigarette smoke and left over human odors clinging to her nostrils. She sat up painfully and looked around. On the bed next to her was Hank, passed out and snoring like a saw. He was nude and only then did she notice that she was naked too.
    What had happened? Had he lost his mind and raped her? No. He was crude but he was her friend. Had they gotten drunk together off-base and decided to sleep it off?
    Then her memories came to her. The last thing she remembered was that sphere spraying them with an aerosol that stung her bronchial tubes and sent her mind reeling. After that, she remembered nothing. Had she been unconscious since then, and if so, how had she gotten here?
    She wrapped the blanket around her bare figure and jostled Hank’s shoulder. He woke up languidly, wiped his mouth and rubbed his eyes.
    She asked sheepishly, “Where are we?”
    Hank sat up and cleared his throat. She couldn’t help

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