Apex 2: Rise of the Super Soldiers

Apex 2: Rise of the Super Soldiers by Adam Moon Page B

Book: Apex 2: Rise of the Super Soldiers by Adam Moon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adam Moon
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already lost Jack and Melanie’s trust and if he continued like this he’d lose Hank and Sally’s too. He retrieved two towels from the bathroom and handed them over.
    Hank said, “Thanks. What the hell are you doing here?”
    Delacourt considered fabricating a story but he couldn’t come up with anything on the spot. He said, “I ingested the same blue stuff that affected both of you. I had to escape from the base after that.” That was all true. He just omitted the part where he stole the blue contagion and murdered a man.
    Hank turned on Sally and said, “I told you they tried to kill us.” Then he turned back to Delacourt and asked, “Did they try to kill you too?”
    “Yep,” he lied.
    “Do you have an ability?”
    “I do. Do you?”
    Hank said, “Those sirens are coming because of my ability. I don’t have any control over it. It blew our hotel room apart. What’s yours?”
    “I can telepathically influence people. What ability does she have?” He was staring at Sally.
    Sally sneered at him. “Hank doesn’t speak for me.”
    “I apologize, young lady. I meant no harm.”
    She said, “I just woke up so I haven’t discovered mine yet.”
    “Well when you do, make sure to let us know.”
    The sirens ceased meaning that the responders had arrived. Hank asked, “What should we do? We need to get out of here. They’ll find out about the destruction to the room back at base and probably figure out that one of us did it.”
    Delacourt said, “Let me find you some clothes and then we’ll decide what to do next.” He looked to Hank and then to Sally. “You don’t need to fear the military anymore. Nothing they do can stop us now.”

Intercepted Intel
    The First Mate said to Shaylo, “Sir, I’ve translated an encrypted communiqué sent from a human military base. Apparently a so-called alien contagion is responsible for a select few humans enhanced abilities. It seems that while we waited in orbit, three more humans have now been infused with the enhancer.” She knew better than to mention that as they stalled, the earthlings were becoming better equipped to fight back, but she was infuriated by the lack of decisiveness from her General. Now she understood why so many of his First Mates chose death rather than continue to work directly under him. His tactics went against her natural instincts.
    He eyed her coolly. “How many enhanced humans do they have?”
    “From the intercepted communiqué, there are a total of five known humans who have advanced abilities.”
    “What is this alien contagion they speak of?”
    “I have no idea but it would seem that it has somehow fused with their DNA, altering it in beneficial ways.”
    “Can we deduce in which ways they’ve been altered?”
    “Not from out here.”
    “Do they have access to any more of that contagion?”
    “No. They used up the last of it.”
    Shaylo smiled. “Five superhumans is hardly anything to worry about, no matter how advanced they are. Try to pinpoint their whereabouts just to be sure they’re not a threat to the invasion.” He paused and locked her in a vicious stare. “Don’t ever question my decisions again. You’re lucky I haven’t killed you for your insolence.”
    “Yes sir. I apologize sir. I’m a warrior at heart. I hate to strategize when there’s a fight out there just waiting for us.”
    “The first invasion was defeated because they went in blind. I’m the best at what I do for good reason s. Just do what’s asked of you and I might let you live for awhile.”
    “Yes sir.”

Formulating a Plan
    Delacourt got Hank and Sally some clothes from a store down the street. Then they moved to the next closest hotel just to be safe.
    Delacourt would have a small army if he could just get the other two to side with him. He barely knew what he would even do with such an army, but the egomaniacal part of him was already formulating a crude plan to take over the world. The human population was

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