Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 2): February

Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 2): February by Dave Rowlands Page B

Book: Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 2): February by Dave Rowlands Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dave Rowlands
Tags: Zombies
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as she dropped her bow.
    We ate at Coppers family home, Sister turning into quite the graceful hostess, apologising for the lack of electricity while she boiled water to make tea for us all.  She also apologised for these being the last teabags she had been able to find.  Apologised too for the lack of sugar and milk, despite the fact that keeping milk in these times was, unless you had The Think Tanks resources, quite impossible.  We, in turn, shared our jerky with her, asking just exactly how she had managed to stay alive so long.
    Turns out she had been quite safe in the beginning, the entire street had banded together to build the barricade once they realised that the news reports on the television were actually telling the truth about the Dead walking.  They had known about the bites causing a fever that kills people, then they get back up.  What they hadn't counted on was that every dead rose as Dead.  After a couple of weeks, however, Sister's parents had committed suicide by overdosing on some medication.  The two of them had torn apart three remaining households before Sister had put an arrow neatly through both of their heads.  Those that had been bitten voluntarily left the community, vowing to destroy as many Dead as they could before they themselves turned.
    After that things went downhill fast.  The remaining survivors split into two factions, those who wanted to stay, and those who wanted to leave.  In the end, those wanting to leave ended up staying, due to Dead-bites, and those wishing to stay had fled, thinking their safety compromised.  Sister alone stayed behind, knowing that her brother would come for her in time if he could.  She had been by herself for a week at least, but there was plenty of food and other supplies left in the surrounding houses, so she had been able to keep herself fed and healthy.
    She had even packed several emergency backpacks that she kept at strategic locations near the outskirts of the barricaded area, in case she had to leave in a hurry.  Many years of discussions of potential disasters with her brother had engrained in her superlative survival skills.  She was even able to, with a little bit of help from Redbeard, jam Juniors arm back into its socket properly, though she said that if we had access to a doctor, then he needed it.
    In the distance we heard gunfire, and the whooping of Living as they hunted the Dead, calling out to any survivors to come on out, they were safe now.  Sister shook her head as a moment of relative silence followed by a barrage of bullets accompanied with the screams and wails of those shot.  She whispered to us that there seemed to be a few different groups of bandits that had made Melbourne their home, that she had seen firsthand what comes of trusting such groups.

February 21st Year 1 A.Z.
    We recycled our teabags from last night, and broke our fast with jerky and cheese.  Sister ran around outside, quickly gathering up any last minute supplies that she felt was needed, while the rest of us planned our next move.  Apocalypse Girl was saying that she didn't want to risk going through the Family's territory if we could avoid it, as no doubt The Mother would be devastated by the loss of her last surviving Son.  In reality, however, we had few options.  We needed to get to the farm so that Pilot could pick us up and get Junior to Doctor as quickly as we could manage.  He had knocked his arm in the night, stifling his screams of agony well, but his arm had swollen up once again.
    Apocalypse Girl went outside to ask Sister if she knew of any nearby entrances to the storm water system, while Redbeard and I watched over Junior.  Redbeard told me that he thought going back through the Family was a really bad idea.  He had noticed on our way through initially that the storm drains extended further west than the entrance that the

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