Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 2): February

Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 2): February by Dave Rowlands Page A

Book: Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 2): February by Dave Rowlands Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dave Rowlands
Tags: Zombies
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    Junior was not in good shape, his arm had been dislocated in the fall, it seemed, but The Son was in worse shape still.  His left arm was clearly broken, judging from the shards of bone poking through the skin.  His breathing was ragged, and blood flecked his lips as well as streaming from a gash in his forehead.  Bloody froth bubbled up from between his lips as he told us to leave him.  We left, but I gave him a parting gift of a bullet to the brain.
    We sped through the house of the home-partying Dead family, and across the road.  We had reached the correct street, but were several blocks away from the correct house.  Junior suggested that we try and hole up somewhere overnight, and find Coppers family home tomorrow.  We agreed, and worked our way several houses in the right direction before settling on one that could be defended fairly easily if need be.
    It seemed as though we had given the Dead the slip, at least temporarily, as there was no further sign of them for the rest of the evening.  Apocalypse Girl and Redbeard helped settle Junior's arm as much as they could, but he really needed to get back to Doctor at The Think Tank.  Redbeard offered to help him get back to The Family at least, if not The Farm where he could be picked up by Pilot, but he refused.  He had been the one to promise Copper that we would look for his family.  It was his responsibility, as far as he saw it.  Redbeard just nodded quietly.  We ate and slept in shifts, and no more was said.

February 20th Year 1 A.Z.
    Apocalypse Girl got in touch with The Think Tank to inform them of Juniors situation, which this morning seemed a little better.  His arm was stiff, and sore enough that his grip was severely compromised, but the swelling that had been evident last night had reversed itself nicely.  Apocalypse Girl supported Junior between Redbeard and myself as we made our way down the road slowly and carefully in the morning gloom, munching jerky as we went.
    We found a few Dead slowly ambling about on our path, Redbeard and I dispatching them with ease, and discovered several as yet unlooted cars.  We solved that little dilemma for them by looting them thoroughly, very thoroughly indeed!  Several cans of fruit lay in the boot of one car, another containing several boxes of winter clothing.  We devoured the fruit, savouring every last nibble, and were warmed by extra jackets, coats and gloves.
    About seven houses away from our destination lay a hastily thrown together barricade made primarily of overturned cars, and as we made our way across it, an arrow streaked out from nowhere to skitter across the ice at my feet.  A voice followed the arrow, demanding that we turn around, there was nothing here worth our time.  Junior, holding both arms as far up as he was able to manage, called out that we were looking for somebody that lived around here.
    “Nobody lives around here now, fuck off!”  She said, dropping lightly down from the roof two houses down.  She held her bow tight in one hand, an arrow in the other, ready to knock in an instant.  She couldn't be any older than sixteen.  “My brother taught me how to look after myself, you know, he's a copper!  Until he shows up I'll put an arrow through the skull of any fucker that tries to get me, Living or Dead!”
    Junior shouted out that we were there for her , and that her brother had asked us to make sure she was alright.  She replied that she was fine and that her brother would come and get her himself, so we must be full of shit while knocking and drawing an arrow that was not quite pointed in our direction.  Junior shouted out the address that Copper had given him, telling her that her brother had asked us to come and make sure she was safe as his dying wish.  Sister dropped to her knees, arrow flying off in no particular direction

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