Angel's Messiah
She had succeeded in what she set out to do. Now Danizriel had supposedly returned from the dead. More likely another angel came seeking revenge for his part in Helena’s plans. If he needed to he would use one of the daggers. They were a most effective weapon.
    Danny arrived at the appointed location at the designated time, with his hands on his head, alone as requested. He had not planned on asking any of his fellow angels to accompany him. They would not have approved of his plans.
    Four vampires appeared behind him within moments of his arrival and pulled his hands down from his head, pushing them against his back, palms facing inward. They would not risk an attack by angel fire.
    “When I received your message, Danizriel, I thought it to be a trap of the angels, which is why I suggested here, a much more defensible position from our point of view.”
    Drake’s hand lightly brushed the hilt of the dagger he had strapped to his thigh. Whether or not he used it would depend on what Danizriel had to say.
    “How is it, Danizriel, that you are alive and Helena is not? Not so long ago it was the other way around.”
    “Helena is alive,” Danny said. “I was sent back to her after she killed Raphael.”
    Drake unsheathed the dagger and strode over the Danny. He held the blade in the air and twisted it around, so that Danny could see it. Danny recognised it as the dagger Helena had tried to take her life with.
    “Helena said the last of the daggers would return to me when she died. If she is not dead, where is she?” Drake demanded.
    “She is not dead, but she is not here anymore,” Danny said.
    “Stop it with the angelic trickery and speak plainly, Danizriel. Your fate is riding on whatever it is you have to say.”
    “He has her, Drake and I cannot help her.”
    “Who has her?”
    “Satan. Why else would I be here? I need your help.”
    Drake waved his hands and the vampires let Danny go.
    “Leave us,” Drake said.
    “Drake, it could still be a trap,” one of the vampires said.
    “Danizriel, do you seek to trap me, kill me or harm me in any way?” Drake asked.
    “No,” Danny replied.
    Drake waved the vampires away. They all knew the straightforward answer Danny had given was not a lie. Heavenly angels were incapable of lying.
    “I have been forbidden from trying to contact her when she resides in hell,” Drake said.
    “She’s not residing there willingly. She has been calling to me for help, but as you know, I cannot travel to that domain, not as I am.”
    “And what do you expect me to do?”
    “When I told Helena our lives were to resume as they had been — hunting, patrolling and killing — she told me she would not harm any of the vampires that aided her during her time of need, unless they posed a threat. She has been good to her word and not hunted any who gave her aid.”
    “Was she responsible for the strange werewolf deaths?” Drake asked.
    Danny nodded his head and Drake thought about what the implications of her new skill might be.
    “I think, Drake, she has, or at one time had, the same hold over you that she has over me. I need you to help me get her out of there.”
    “Why should I?”
    “Tell me, Drake, when she asked you if vampires were capable of love, why did you tell her yes, but it never ends well? ”
    Drake grimaced. “Curse you angels, how you share your bond. Has she hidden nothing from you?”
    “She hasn’t been around long enough to learn how to hide anything intentionally. I don’t think she would, even if she could. She does not like secrets.”
    Drake tapped the flat of the dagger against his lips, tempting fate. One nick and it would be all over for him.
    “Do you know exactly where she is kept?” Drake asked.
    “Yes, when she calls for me it’s like a beacon.”
    “Has her position changed at all, since she first started calling for you?”
    “No. For the past three days she has remained in the same general area,” Danny said.
    “You waited three

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