And Then It Happened: An Unexpected Romance

And Then It Happened: An Unexpected Romance by Annie Green

Book: And Then It Happened: An Unexpected Romance by Annie Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annie Green
    “No questions.”
    “No backing out?”
    “No backing out,” I muttered, hating that my night in just ended up being a night out with people I didn’t know. I was socially awkward around my friends. Imagine me out with people I didn’t know. I was a bundle of weirdness.
    “And will you be somewhat pleasant? No biting my friend’s heads off?”
    “No biting,” I said grumpily.
    Adrian’s lips twitched.
    “Just pick out my damn outfit,” I demanded, not wanting to hear the comment I knew was coming.
    I pushed him into my closet, but heard it anyway.
    “You can bite me anytime…”
    I strode into The Continental Room beside Adrian feeling suddenly self-conscious. I was wearing a tight black lace dress that stopped mid-thigh and my favorite pair of high-heeled shoes. I looked more hooker than artist and I wasn’t sure I liked it.
    No, you do like it. You like how Adrian’s been eyeing you all evening.
    “Stop pulling your dress down,” he said as he placed a hand on my lower back, pushing me forward.
    I glanced in the full-length mirror that ran along the entrance of the bar and flushed deeply.
    “How come I couldn’t wear something like this on my date with Rob, but now, suddenly it’s okay?”
    “Because Rob was a dick and I didn’t want you giving him the wrong impression. You’re with me tonight.”
    “And that makes it different?”
    “Yeah,” he replied with a shrug. “You’re safe with me. Just stop worrying. You look hot. I like your hair down by the way,” he said, whispering into my ear. I couldn’t help but shiver at the feeling of his breath moving across my skin and when I glanced up, I saw a few women glance away jealously.
    Yeah, bitches. He’s mine.
    I cleared my throat, glancing up at him. His dark eyes were watching mine before they slid to my lips. I licked them nervously.
    “Adrian, if you keep this up, you’ll be going home alone tonight.”
    His eyebrows met in confusion. “What do you mean?”
    “I mean it looks like you’re here with me. A few of the women here are looking pretty jealous.”
    “I am here with you,” he replied, glancing away before I could comment further.
    Damn straight he is!
    “There are the guys,” he said, pushing me gently forward. I couldn’t do anything but follow his lead until I was standing in front of a table of three remarkably attractive guys. Although, what did I expect? Adrian was gorgeous. His friends would be too.
    The conversation suddenly stopped as we approached, all eyes on me.
    “Hey guys,” Adrian said with a wide smile.
    A chorus of hellos greeted us, each of the guys looking surprised I was even present. It seemed like Adrian hadn’t told his friends I was coming. Great. Just great. Now I was the intruder.
    Adrian’s hand lightly rubbed my lower back as I gave a lame wave to the guys huddled around the table.
    “This is Marcus, my younger brother,” Adrian said, as I shook the hand of a young guy who had the same beautiful eyes as Adrian and the same chiseled features.
    “This is Chris,” he continued and I shook the hand of a dark brown haired guy, who looked like a hipster with glasses and skinny jeans.
    “And this is August,” he said as I shook the hand of an auburn haired guy with tattoos on his arms and up his neck.
    “Nice to meet you,” I said before adding, “I’m Jane.”
    Chris leaned forward, looking confused as he pushed his dark framed glasses up his nose. “I’m sorry…you’re…”
    “I’m Jane,” I said loudly.
    “Oh. Oooooh,” Marcus said as August’s eyes widened. I didn’t know why his friends had the same reaction as his older brother Gabe. I logically assumed Adrian had been talking shit about me since they all seemed surprised to see me. Perhaps they didn’t think we’d ever hang out. Maybe they thought we weren’t even friends. Things were getting weirder by the minute.
    “So this is Jane?” Marcus asked, amusement flickering through his

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