And the Greatest of These Is Love: A Contemporary Christian Romance Novel
It can’t be that hard.”
    At her desk, she sorted through some paperwork. “And when are you planning on doing this?”
    “Well, I was hoping I could do it right now before most of the kids show up and I have to go to work in the nursery.” Annoyance went through him, and he let it spill right onto his face as he crossed his arms. “So, do you have any or what?”
    “Well.” Her gaze came up, and she studied him carefully. “I do have some.”
    “Great!” he said, feeling the breakthrough in her attitude.
    However, her eyes narrowed further as she continued to stare at him. “But it’s gonna cost you.”
    That didn’t sound good, and his eyes widened in concern. “Cost me? What does that mean?”
    “You see this hole over here in this window.” Leaving her desk, she walked over to the bank of windows in that dress that made her look like a willow tree blowing gently in the wind. “I’ve had duct tape on this thing for six months now. Do you think you could see about replacing it?”
    Uncoiling now that he knew it was something he could do, he nodded four times. “No problem. I’ll be here as soon as the guys leave tonight.”
    “Then, I guess I’ll let you borrow this.” She pulled a plastic box off of a high shelf and brought it over to him. “Just promise me you’ll bring it back.”
    His smile spread ear to ear. “Scout’s honor.”
    “Wow. I’m impressed,” Ms. Boyd said when she came through the door with her daughter Megan in tow at nearly eight.
    “Impressed?” Gabi asked, helping Megan off with her coat. “Why?”
    Mrs. Boyd danced her shoulders and her eyes. “Who’s the new maintenance guy?”
    “Maintenance guy?” Gabi stood with the jacket, looking at her puzzled. “What do you mean?”
    “The one cleaning the windows out front.” She smiled and ducked so it was just the two of them in on the conversation. “I wonder if he’d come clean my windows.”
    In one heartbeat, Gabi blushed at the implication. “He’s a volunteer.” She took the coat and put it with the rest of them, hoping that would end the conversation.
    “We need more of those around here,” Ms. Boyd said, smirking, and Gabi blushed again despite her best efforts not to. What was her problem anyway?
    Andrew made a point of saying hello to each and every parent who came through the doors. Some of them looked at him like he was insane, a few even hurried past pretending not to see him, but most of them were pleasant and said hello. Truth be told, he was enjoying himself immensely.
    When Jerry came through the doors, Andrew couldn’t help himself.
    “Good morning, Mr. Richardson,” he called from atop his perch on the ladder he’d found in the storage closet.
    Jerry jumped and almost dropped the files he was carrying. “Andrew! What in the world are you doing up there?”
    Andrew swiped the squeegee with the paper towel. “What does it look like? I’m cleaning the windows.”
    “The windows?”
    “Yeah, I noticed yesterday they were getting kind of dirty.” Descending the ladder, Andrew came abreast of Jerry. “So, ta-da!”
    Jerry looked at the windows and then at Andrew in disbelief. “You didn’t have to do that.”
    “I know, but it’s fun.” He collected the ladder and cleaning supplies to take them back to the storage closet. “Oh, by the way, there’s a window in the four-year-old room that needs replaced. How would I go about doing that?”
    “Gabi’s room?”
    “Yeah. There’s a big hole in one of the windows, and with it getting colder outside, she needs it replaced.” Supplies in hand, Andrew followed Jerry down the hall not at all thinking this was odd or out-of-the-realm-of-how-reality-should-be.
    “Well, Andrew.” Jerry unlocked his office and entered before he finished. “I’m not sure we have the money to begin replacing all of our windows right now.”
    “Oh.” Andrew stopped at the door and leaned on the ladder, only slightly deterred. “Well, can you

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