An Unusual Cupid
    -1 An Unusual
    Pamela Caves
    Smashwords Edition
    Copyright 2011 Pamela Caves
    Learn more about this author at
    Also the author of the following stories on
    The Suicide of Time Hall
    The Jump
    The Crazy Ole' Bird Lady
    Cover art photography by niebla/
    Cover art editing and design by Pamela Gifford,
Creative Services/
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    Message From Pamela Caves:
    This story is provided free to my readers and
supporters. It is my Valentine's gift to everyone who follows me on
my social networks and reads my work. My deepest appreciation goes
to all of you. Happy Valentine's Day!

    An Unusual Cupid
    "Pssst, Dude."
    At first Marcus ignored the man across the
aisle of the bus. He refused to respond to someone who referred to
him as "dude". But the guy seemed relentless.
    “Dude!" came the urgent whisper. Then there was
a flick of the guy's hand across his arm. "Yo, Dude."
    Marcus huffed and closed his book. He silently
cursed his car. The transmission had died and would take a week or
more to get fixed. And of course there were no available rentals
nearby so Marcus had been forced to take the bus. If it hadn't been
Valentine's day this weekend, he would've canceled the trip to
Chicago altogether.
    It was Mom and Dad's anniversary. Had Dad still
been alive, they would've been married for 32 years. He didn't want
to leave Mom alone this weekend. But taking the bus had tested the
limits of how far he was willing to go for her. He would joke
around about it to her once he got there.
    To make matters worse, the novel he had packed
for the bus ride wasn't in his bag. Instead, he'd found a
completely different book, a Stephen King novel, tucked away in his
carry-on. It wasn't usually his genre but so far the novel was
pretty good. However, Yo, Dude man was putting a damper in
an otherwise barely tolerable ride.
    "Can I help you?"
    The man was a little younger then Marcus's 30
years. He wore a blue button down shirt and khakis; not a badly
dressed man at all if not slightly dated. His blonde hair was cut
neat and trim and he was clean shaven. Not what he expected from
someone who would loudly whisper Yo, Dude .
    The man had a goofy grin across his face. He
leaned over toward Marcus as if to keep the conversation just
between them. "See that chic up there? Second row?"
    Marcus was about the fifth or sixth row back.
He sighed, annoyed that the Yo, Dude man had bothered him
just for a peek at some woman. He caught a glimpse of the back of a
curly, long haired brunette head. Nothing unusual. Nothing
spectacular. "And?" Marcus said, a hint of sarcasm cutting into his
    "And she's quite the eye candy." Despite the
irritation that Marcus felt he was clearly portraying, Yo,
Dude man was still grinning as if he'd just discovered the
secret of farts. "Why don't you go say hi? I think she's reading
the same book."
    "Why don't you go say hi?" Marcus opened
the book back up and tried to find where he’d left off.
    Apparently Yo, Dude man couldn't take a
hint. Marcus felt another flick across his arm. "Because, I'm
chained down." The guy held up his hand to show off a gold band. He
was still grinning like a doofus. The guy leaned over again.
"Listen, I have a kind of sense for these things. If you don't like
her, I'll pay you $100. Are you game?"
    Marcus narrowed his eyes at

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