An Old Man And His Axe: A Prepper fiction book of survival in an EMP grid down post apocalyptic world (Old Preppers Die Hard 1)

An Old Man And His Axe: A Prepper fiction book of survival in an EMP grid down post apocalyptic world (Old Preppers Die Hard 1) by Ron Foster

Book: An Old Man And His Axe: A Prepper fiction book of survival in an EMP grid down post apocalyptic world (Old Preppers Die Hard 1) by Ron Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ron Foster
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quick and I haven’t wanted him to do that quite yet.” Becky said remorsefully.
    “To us and to him.” Farley said after pouring a generous amount of the libation they were about to consume into a couple of glasses.
    “Farley, do you think they will get the power back on soon?” Becky asked taking a big swig out of her drink.
    “I am not going to mince words with you, darling, no it’s not going to happen anytime soon and those that still believe it might happen are going to be the first to go.” Farley said somberly looking out the screen door at the boy trying to light the stove with the Ferro rod he had recently gifted him with.
    “Hang on a minute. No, that’s wrong Jeremy; remember I told you that you need to be thinking about almost holding down the paper or whatever else you’re trying to catch on fire with that fire steel? You can’t get that thing going just shooting sparks down it or away from your tinder source on the outside.” Farley advised.
    “Oh yea, I forgot, I got it now, Farley. Thanks!” the boy said and commenced to start a fire on the driveway on a piece of cotton ball he could drop down into the stove to catch it.
    “Sorry about that, rookie mistakes, we all have done them. You were saying?” Farley said taking a sip from his drink and relishing the taste.
    “I was asking you when you thought the power would come back on and you told me you didn’t expect it any time soon, if not soon, when Farley?” Becky asked, studying him and waiting on his response.
    “Maybe never, darling, now don’t cry. I can’t really answer your question because there are too many variables. Some parts of the U.S. will have pockets of power but for the vast majority it might be years.” Farley said reaching across the table to try to hold her hand and comfort her.
    “You’re lying, why do men always lie to me!” Becky wailed and snatched her hand back.
    Farley looked up and saw Jeremy poking his head in the door with that sheath knife of his out and waved at him that everything was alright and felt a sigh of relief as Becky confirmed that to her son and he backed out but was still looking in, watching carefully.
    “I didn’t mean to upset you, Becky, I was just being as honest as I could be. I might be wrong about things, but that is my best judgment. The reason I was so blunt was that I didn’t want to sugar coat anything and tell you that you needed to be thinking about being on your own. Folks can’t help each other out much anymore no matter how necessary it is or if they want to or not. Most folks already believe it’s every man or woman for themselves.” Farley said stoically no longer feeling he was welcome here and wishing he had just gone on to bed.
    “You’re wrong, you got to be wrong! The power always comes back on!” Becky said in her meltdown moment.
    “Oh shit Farley you forgot this woman was medicated on a good day, too late now you are going to have to deal with it.”
    “This drink tastes good, how is yours?” Farley said trying to diffuse the situation and wondering if that boy out there had any inherited mental instability from his mother that might require him to be thinking about murdering him in his sleep.
    “You’re a grey haired, scarrred up, toothless old man. What do you know? Jeremy you come in here and tell your friend good night!” Becky called out and Farley picked up his drink to leave this nut house he now found himself in.
    Farley was half way to the door and starting to pick his stuff up when Jeremy came in and started telling his mom that Farley was all right and she was wrong for being so mean to him.
    “It’s all right buddy, I will stay in the van tonight and leave out in the morning...” Farley began before Becky started telling him to sit back down or get the hell off the property; she didn’t care which but wanted him to stay.
    “That woman is crazy!” Is all Farley

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