An Old Man And His Axe: A Prepper fiction book of survival in an EMP grid down post apocalyptic world (Old Preppers Die Hard 1)

An Old Man And His Axe: A Prepper fiction book of survival in an EMP grid down post apocalyptic world (Old Preppers Die Hard 1) by Ron Foster Page B

Book: An Old Man And His Axe: A Prepper fiction book of survival in an EMP grid down post apocalyptic world (Old Preppers Die Hard 1) by Ron Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ron Foster
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with them further. Surprisingly, Becky and Farley drank late into the night without any further outbursts or interruptions but he moved himself and his van a couple of spots over before he was willing to put his head down for the night.
    “Crazy is as crazy does, Farley told himself in his inebriated mind before talking himself out of finding himself a place in the woods he figured they couldn’t locate him at this evening. Farley woke at about 5:30 a.m. as the new days’ sun began cresting the lake and wondered what in the hell he thought he was doing. Yea, it was fun kicking it with the boy and his mom and he had laughed more than he had in a long time sharing their company last night but this morning he was sober and back to thinking about his own personal survival.
    He sat in the van for a few minutes trying to decide if he would just go on about his business or touch base with the pair before wishing for a cup of coffee reminded him he had not loaded up his rocket stove last night.
    “Damn, you are one dumb soldier.” Farley admonished himself before thinking did he want to walk over and get it or drive over. Might as well drive over, he decided and fired up the van and put it in gear.
    Farley looked at the empty cabin he had parked next to more carefully in the light of day. It wouldn’t take much for him to break into it if he needed to. Maybe he would go look at the original vacation cabin up the road he had been traveling towards today and see how that part of the lake looked to him. He would have coffee with Becky and Jeremy and share some of his powdered eggs for breakfast before heading out. Their gas problem could wait a bit and if he happened up onto some gas because of luck or fate, then he could decide then what to do with it.
    Things didn’t seem so clear to him in the light of day and he felt a bit remorseful to be leaving his new friends so soon even if one was a bit crazy. Hell, we are all a bit crazy now.” Farley thought as he admired the sun rising on the lake.
    It was the light, Farley, it was the light that brought hope he muttered to himself. A single candle in a room can bring hope and chase away the gloom and depression darkness can bring on. For that little family over there he was the light, he couldn’t just drive off and abandon them, well not just yet anyway, he fumed in confusion.
    Conflicting emotions were furrowing his brow as he pulled up into the driveway and saw Jeremy was already up and tending the rocket stove and the boys’ welcoming smile disarmed him and he was happy once again.
    “Morning, Jeremy, how are you doing today?” Farley said settling into a lawn chair after he observed the boy already had the kettle on.
    “I am doing well, how you feeling? You and Momma stayed up late last night.” Jeremy said before offering Farley a cup of coffee.
    “I am doing fine, Becky up yet?” Farley said before she announced she was through the screen door and came out to greet him.
    The first few minutes of small talk were a bit tense as the joviality of last night was hard to get back after the apologies everyone felt necessary to fit in this morning but it soon resumed after Farley said he had eggs and canned bacon for breakfast.
    “I have never heard of canned bacon or seen it in a store; I can’t even imagine what it looks like or how you would cook it.” Becky said.
    “You don’t have to cook it, it’s already done. It’s pretty neat actually; it rolls out magically on a roll of paper that keeps each slice separate. Damn stuff is expensive though and I only have a couple cans.” Farley said going to get it.
    “I need to give you some more money, Farley, for all you are doing, that 20 bucks Jeremy gave you can’t even begin to cover what you have given us. How much you figure we owe you?” Becky said as Farley looked over at Jeremy who was sheepishly busying himself with the fire all of the

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