An American Duchess

An American Duchess by Sharon Page

Book: An American Duchess by Sharon Page Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharon Page
brother’s heart.”
    Zoe had lost Richmond, but she wondered: What was it like to lose someone and know they were having a happy life without you?
    It must hurt deeply.
    Then Julia gave a bright, ecstatic smile. She was gazing at something over Zoe’s shoulder. Zoe turned. A young man was walking through a gate in a low stone wall. A sign hung by the gate. Brideswell Charitable Hospital.
    Julia brought her bubbly smile under control. Now she looked composed and ladylike as she made the introductions. But her voice lifted with soft excitement on his name: Dougal Campbell. “Mr. Campbell has just joined the hospital,” she explained to Zoe. “He studied surgery at the famous Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. He is working with Dr. Drury at Brideswell’s hospital.”
    Zoe held out her hand. Auburn-haired Campbell shook her hand, his grip firm but not crushing. He had an admirable handshake. A surgeon’s touch, she guessed. She would feel assured if he were her doctor, with his earnest eyes and handsome face.
    Dr. Campbell fell into step with them, walking at Julia’s side. He spoke of cases he was working on while keeping the name of his patients a secret.
    Julia said breathlessly, “Dr. Campbell saved the leg of a ten-year-old boy last winter. He was run over by a car’s wheel. It was believed the leg would have to be removed, that the break was too bad for it to be saved. But Dr. Campbell performed a miracle.”
    The doctor blushed. When he looked at Julia, his brown eyes softened and he caught his breath. “You are too generous, my lady. I cannot work miracles. I do the best that I can. And I’m fortunate to be here. Your family is very generous in your patronage of the hospital.”
    A shadow touched Julia’s face. Then she masked it and said brightly, “We are honored to be able to benefit such a worthwhile cause and such noble men as you and Dr. Drury.”
    Were the Hazelton’s financial troubles the reason for Julia’s look of sadness? Zoe thought of her settlement—she had thought of her money as just keeping the family from having to sell the house. But Langford obviously was the major patron of the hospital. The entire village relied on the great house. It was a large responsibility. It had to say something that Langford didn’t want Sebastian to marry her, even for money.
    After, as she and Julia walked back to Brideswell, Zoe said, “I think you like him.”
    Julia glanced down demurely. “I admire him very much.”
    “I think you might be falling in love.”
    Julia looked up. “I don’t know. Not yet.” But she smiled.
    Julia looked happy. Zoe was so pleased Julia was opening her heart to life and to love. “He seems a noble, wonderful man. Dedicated. Heroic. And very handsome,” Zoe said.
    Julia blushed. “It would be a terrible shock to the family, though, if I wanted to be a doctor’s wife.”
    “Julia, you have to marry for love. I won’t allow you to accept anything less,” Zoe vowed. “No matter what your family thinks.”
    * * *
    On Sunday, Zoe and the Hazeltons walked to church. She watched Langford walk with his mother into the churchyard before the service. His slender mother, who always walked ramrod straight because of her corset, leaned heavily on his arm. He led her to a white stone mausoleum. The duchess carried a bouquet of spring flowers and they disappeared inside. For Langford’s young brother? Zoe wondered. When they came out and walked back toward the church, the duchess was pale. She didn’t cry, but she looked older. And filled with sorrow.
    After the service, Langford walked with his mother on the return to Brideswell. Sebastian was supposed to walk with her, but he’d begged off. She saw him slip into the village pub, furtively looking around before he went in.
    Since the day was beautiful, Zoe strolled around the house. She was just about to go into the drawing room by the terrace doors when her mother’s voice reached her from inside.
    “It should

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