American Exit Strategy: Book 1
to start selling used furniture on Craigslist again. I couldn't say if we will be able to go back to our regular jobs. The schools weren't safe before the riots and the stock market is probably not coming back, at least for a while. Wall Street opened for the first time since the riots this morning for two hours. The Dow actually opened up 50 points. A hour and a half later, it plunged 890 points. The SEC closed the markets to stop the free fall. says they don't expect them to reopen the markets till after the election.
    I expect that this was the first crack in the veneer, and I would guess that the veneer is pretty thin. I don't know how long it will be, but we’ll probably see more events similar to this one and I think they will grow in intensity."
    Matt and Karen sat down to eat their salad and a small plate of the 'blackened' canned chicken with some of the beans and rice he had prepared. After they finished, Matt grabbed one of the aluminum pans containing the chicken dinner and headed over to Jack and Tina's. He didn't spend much time there as he had several more stops to make. He was able to make a dish to take to all of the folks involved in the block watch. Everyone was very appreciative of the food and they all vowed to get on a food storage plan as recommended by Matt when the stores reopened.

    CHAPTER 18
    "The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all."
    Ecclesiastes 9:11
    Election Day
    It had been one week since the riots and things were much quieter than they had been around Matt and Karen Bair's neighborhood. The block watch had been terminated Sunday night. Sirens and gunshots had faded to normal levels and people were starting to get back into the routine of things.
    About half of the grocery stores in their immediate area had reopened. The shelves were very sparsely stocked. The stores had most food items, but the selection of different sizes and brands were much less. The store shelves did not look like an American grocery store. Several of the top shelves were completely bare as well as the lowest shelves. Grocers stocked all the goods at the center shelves to give the appearance of a full store. Many items were stocked only two or three deep to fill up empty space. The meat coolers held very low stocks. When a truck would make a delivery of meat, it would sell out fast. The cheaper cuts of meat went first and the more expensive cuts lingered less than four or five hours from the time it arrived in the store.  Chicken also was a prized commodity and did not stay stocked long. Cheese and milk lasted a bit longer than the meats, but they were always out of stock by the end of the evening as well.
    Then there were the lines. The stores were short staffed. Many people had not yet returned to work after the riots. A "Now Hiring" sign was in the front window. Matt had grabbed an application while Karen waited in the line. They did not have to be at the store, but they did want to pick up some fresh milk, eggs and cheese. They had gone early in the morning and had not had a problem obtaining the things on their list.
    "You're not going to work at Publix are you?" Karen asked.
    "I think I should probably take what I can find. I can probably get deals on things they’re going to throw out like day old bread. It will also give me an opportunity to watch for signs of shortages. We don't need the money now, but if things don't return to normal, our savings will get depleted fast. If I’m right, things are really going to get bad and we will be thankful for every dime we have." Matt answered.
    They took their groceries home and headed for the polls. They each cast their ballot for Paul Randall. Now, there was nothing left to do but wait. They had been trying to explain the need for Randall's plan to the neighbors

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