American Exit Strategy: Book 1
week, but Kimberly insisted on doing most of her own housekeeping. She loved to cook. On occasion, when they would entertain, she would hire an assistant and servers, but she handled the menu and most of the preparations herself. Kimberly had been the former Miss Texas. She had aged very well and still looked stunning.
    "Sonny, are you stealing him away already, he just got home from DC." Kimberly said with a playful smile. She was being nice about it, but she really did have to fight resenting Sonny for the time he spent with her husband. She knew it was not his fault, but who could she blame for all the lonely times since the campaign had started.
    "I’m afraid so Mrs. Randall." Sonny replied, "But your country appreciates your sacrifice."
    "I hope so." She replied. Normally she would have laughed off such a comment, but she was really starting to feel the pain of being separated from Paul so much in the past months.
    Paul Randall walked into the huge kitchen where they were.
    "Sir, you are continuing to gain favor in the polls." Sonny told Paul.
    Paul was growing weary of polls and the tiresome labor of politicking. He was also feeling guilty for the amount of time he was spending away from home.
    "That's good Sonny." Paul replied. "It will all be over soon. By the way, the House passed the 'liberty' bill."
    “That’s the bill to use the military to enforce martial law, or something to that effect." Sonny said. "Didn't General Jefferson say he expected that bill to cause chaos if it were to be signed into law?" Sonny asked with concern.
    "He did say that." Paul said. "Al Mohammad signed it this morning, but the majority of the riots are dying down."
    "So why did he sign it if they don't need it." Kimberly jumped into the conversation.
    Paul loved her because she had not been totally corrupted by politics. She still had a certain pure, childlike quality to her.
    Paul explained, "Once they get a new dose of power, they don't give it up. Even if it’s not advantageous to use it now, they can keep it in their back pocket and use it at a more opportune time."
    "What about the gun sales moratorium?" Sonny asked.
    Paul replied "Even the neo-cons know what side their bread is buttered on. The House Republicans did shoot that down. Of course, if it had not been for the pressure of the NRA, Juan Marcos would have talked them into passing that as well. Let’s hear what you have to tell me about those polls."
    "You are now only trailing Howe by three points. That is a huge increase. You were 17 points behind before the riots." Sonny said.
    "What about Juan Marcos? Did he get a 'riot bump'?" Paul asked.
    "Yes, but not as much as you. He is still five points behind you. He was three points behind you before the riots." Sonny explained.
    "So it’s still any man’s race." Paul said as he looked out at the cattle in the field.
    "Yes sir, it is any man’s race. Sonny replied.

    CHAPTER 17
    "Were we directed from Washington when to sow and when to reap, we should soon want bread."
    -Thomas Jefferson
    Karen found the best way to occupy herself while she was home from work was to get into the garden. She began to meticulously weed the garden and even the shrubs in the front yard. She soon ran out of weeds and began starting some new seedlings of tomatoes and bell peppers. They both took a while to get started and would likely be able to take over when the current plants petered out. She also started another several rows of green beans and mixed salad greens. These grew so well at this time of the year in Florida.
    Even though things had settled down, the schools had not yet reopened. Most of the schools had severe damage ranging from broken windows and stolen computers to burned out classrooms and missing air conditioning compressors.
    Matt was glad the schools were closed. This meant he did not have to have a heated

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