Always Us (The Jade Series #8)
apologize to him a million times or however many times it takes for him to forgive me.”
    “He won’t take your calls, Harper.”
    “Then I’ll go to his apartment as soon as I get back in town. I’ll surprise him.” Her voice sounds happy just saying it.
    “You can’t. He won’t—” I seriously need to stop talking.
    “He won’t what? Won’t be there? Why? Does he have to work? Then I’ll go there the next day.”
    Maybe I should tell her he’s moving. She’ll find out in a few days, anyway. And then she’ll know I was keeping this from her, which will make her mad at me. What do I do? Garret told me not to talk about Sean, but he also told me to encourage Harper to stay away from him, so I guess this is my chance.
    “Just let him go, Harper.”
    “Jade, why would you say that after what I just told you?”
    “Because Sean’s moving. He’ll be gone when you get there.”
    “Moving where?”
    “To California. He got a job at a restaurant in LA. It’s a really good opportunity for him, so you need to let him go.”
    She’s quiet.
    “Harper, are you still there?”
    “Yes.” She sniffles. “I don’t want him to leave. What should I do, Jade?”
    This is so hard. I know what they both want, but I also know they can’t have it.
    “Let him go. He’s already given up a lot for you. And what if you change your mind? You can’t do that to him.”
    “What do you mean? What has he given up for me?”
    What is wrong with me today? I keep telling her things I shouldn’t. I must be tired or too distracted thinking about Garret.
    Now that I’ve hinted at it, I might as well tell her the truth.
    “Sean was offered a job last fall. Back in September. The guy he worked for last summer told Sean he was so impressed with him that he wanted him to work at one of his restaurants. He told Sean he could see him being head chef someday.”
    “And he turned it down? To be with me?”
    “I shouldn’t have told you this. Sean didn’t want you to know. But Harper, I only said it because I don’t want him missing out on another opportunity. He was lucky this guy gave him another chance and still wanted to hire him. Sean needs this job, Harper. He needs to go.”
    “You’re right.” She says it quietly, almost whispering it. “I’ll talk to you later.”
    “Wait. You don’t want to talk anymore?”
    “I can’t right now.”
    “Are you mad at me?”
    “No. Not at all. I just need to go.”
    “Okay, but call me if you want to talk.”
    “I will. Bye, Jade.”
    This day just keeps getting worse. It’s six now, so at least it’s almost over. I turn my phone to vibrate and go back in the bedroom and lie next to Garret.
    He stirs a little, then notices me there. “Where did you go?”
    “I was just getting a drink of water.” I don’t want to tell him I talked to Sean and Harper. If I do, he’ll ask me about it and then he won’t go back to sleep.
    “I missed you.” He whispers it by my ear and kisses my neck as his hand moves under my shirt. Does he want to have sex? Now? I hope he’s not thinking he has to because of what I said last night, telling him how it’d been too long since we did it.
    “Garret, we don’t have to. I know you’re probably not in the mood with everything that’s going on.”
    “I want to.” He sits up, his face hovering over mine. “I need to be with you.”
    He looks into my eyes, his hand on the side of my face, his thumb brushing my cheek. He’s thinking something but I’m not sure what. The way he’s looking at me reminds me of how he looked at me last March, when I was at his house after I learned about the plans for his future. Garret thought he’d lost me, but then he had hope again after we made that plan to destroy his image.  
    Why would he look at me like that again? Maybe he’s not. Maybe he’s just sad. I can’t really tell.
    He leans down and kisses me, softly, just once. He sits up and reaches behind his neck and yanks his t-shirt off,

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