Always Summer

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Book: Always Summer by Criss Copp Read Free Book Online
Authors: Criss Copp
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Chapter 7

    Blake was
in the ensuite... Julie was in the bed with me, and a red faced and emotional
Jordan, all muscle and athlete, was standing in my room, breathing as though
he’d only just finished a game.
    My body
felt truly sick...   My foreplay with Blake
had turned my hormones into enemies of my body, which now shivered and felt
bereft of his touch.   My brain couldn’t
seem to comprehend what on earth Jordan was doing here, and Julie was behaving
all protective of me... which in light of my recent knowledge made me feel
awkward... I should be protecting her!
groaned... I held my stomach... I was going to throw up.   Ignoring both Julie and Jordan, I ran to the
ensuite and banged on the door for Blake to let me in.
I cried... “Blake, let me in... I can’t hold on anymore!” I pleaded.
wrenched the door from my hands, at the same time that Jordan reached me, and
tried to grab me.
Jordan... let me go... I’m going to be sick!” I appealed.
    “I can’t...
I want to help you!” Jordan said, attempting to hold me up just as Blake
reached a hand out to my left arm and went to pull me through the door.
Blake said, “I’ve got this.”
wouldn’t leave it, “but she’s my girl!” he growled.   Grabbing the same arm Blake had a hold of.
    I doubled
over and started to make gagging noises.
    “Jordan... please !   Blake can
handle this.” Julie pleaded from the bed.
pulled me through as Jordan was about to protest.   He slammed the door, and locked it.   Jordan began to bang on the other side,
growling to let him in.
Blake shouted.   “She’s sick man... for
the love of Christ... stop making it worse and calm the fuck down before we come back out.” He seethed.
    I was
already over the toilet, spewing up the water I’d consumed earlier.   Blake held my hair back from my face, and I
noticed he was breathing hard... really hard.
    What had I
done in my previous life to have had this impossible combination of bad luck?
    I couldn’t
do this... not with the way it needed to be handled... the way it should be
handled!   I wanted to go out there and
knock Jordan out; I wanted to make love to Summer ,
despite her spewing over the toilet bowl; and I wanted to strangle myself for
waiting to tell her that I was in love with her.   Maybe if I had’ve told her before Jordan,
things would’ve been better.   All of
which was not the way this moment needed to be handled.
    Thank God
for Debbie MacFarlane... she was a messenger from heaven, sent to calm down the
proverbial teenage drama... I could hear her on the other side of the ensuite
door, scolding Jordan, and requesting he calm down.   It was going to buy me time.
    Summer was
already standing, shakily... I put the lid down on the toilet and flushed it...
then I moved Summer over to the vanity, and washed her
face, while she washed her hands in the sink and then gargled.   After this, when she turned to me and folded
herself into my chest, I grabbed her up and carried her into Sal’s room.  
    It was a
little difficult to open the ensuite door, and then maneuver through it,
because the ensuite wasn’t very large; but I managed.   I placed her on Sal’s bed, ran to the bedroom
door to lock it, and returned to the side of the bed; where I knelt down to
look her directly in the eyes.
    “Summer?” I questioned.
she responded... she looked bewildered.
    “I need to
tell you something.” I pleaded.   I had to
say it now, because if I didn’t, my opportunity to do so again, may never
    “I’m in
love with you.” I said, looking at her directly in the eyes, willing her to
know the truth.   She gasped, and put her
hand to her mouth.   I ploughed on, “I
have been in love with you since that first day in the library.” I sighed.
    “You love
me?” Summer asked, quietly.
    “Yes.” I
replied, reaching out to

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