Always Summer

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Book: Always Summer by Criss Copp Read Free Book Online
Authors: Criss Copp
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later; by then he had progressed to overwhelm my mouth...   and I watched him, as he watched me, and my
chest was filled to bursting with a longing that would surely kill me.
    I closed my
eyes, and on his next suckle of my bottom lip, I brazenly engaged him with my
tongue.   He groaned, and he forced my
tongue aside, lifting it up and around in an erotic dance as he mashed his
mouth to mine and forcefully kissed me senseless.
    I was aware
my hands had circled to his back and I had again shifted or he had shifted me,
so that he lay on top of me, supporting his weight on his elbows; and despite
the covers remaining between us, I had moved my legs to either side of his
body, so he could fit snugly between them.

    She was
consuming me... I was being devoured.   I
was drowning in her... I wanted to gain control.
    I needed to
move us, so I shifted across her, and assisted her in opening her legs under
those covers with my knee, before claiming the space created and hovering over
the top of her.   She moaned, she reached
around my back, and she crept her hands up and under the back of my shirt,
touching the muscles I had worked so hard to get... for her.   She stopped at my shoulder blades and pulled
me into her.
    I relaxed
my pelvis against hers, my penis was so tight against my pants, I felt like it was being strangled.   I could feel her mound, rubbing up against my
cock... and God; I wanted what was below me so bad.
    Her moans
sounded desperate.   I was moaning right
alongside her... my mouth was bruised from kissing her so hard... my tongue
wanted to be elsewhere... on her breasts... on her stomach... on her clit.   I wanted to make her come... I wanted to hear
her scream in passion... I wanted to make her unravel, like she was unraveling
    I began
kissing her down her neck, occasionally licking her all the way back up to her
ear and sucking on her lobe.   I moved
down to the prominence of her left clavicle, licking and kissing across it.
breath was short and labored... she moaned constantly, it was soft and quiet,
and it turned me on ever impossibly more.   She was wearing a spaghetti strapped camisole; she had most likely not
left bed today at all.   I pushed my
finger under the strap and slid it down over her left shoulder and followed it
with kisses... returning to do the same with the other side; when a loud knock
on her door startled us.
Julie hissed.   “Jordan’s on his way up
here.   Let me in!   Quick!” she stressed.
    I looked at Summer ... saw her wild eyes and I groaned loudly,
before jumping off the bed and racing to let Julie in.   Julie took one look at me, and noticed the
obvious; so she squinted her eyes shut and motioned for me to attend to myself
in the ensuite.   She closed the door
behind her swiftly and ran over to the bed, jumping on it and getting in.   She made herself comfortable, and just as I was
closing the door she stated,
    “He’s been
calling all day, and I’ve ignored it... and Blake left his phone at home, so he
obviously didn’t answer Jordan’s calls either; and then he texted me 15 minutes
ago saying it’s not over between you two, and that he planned on getting you
back... so I raced over here to protect you both.   I got inside the door just as he was pulling
up.” She said.
    This hard
on wasn’t going down in a hurry, but under the circumstances, I wasn’t going to
be able to beat it out either... My sister, a lesbian... was in bed with the
girl I wanted to be with more than breathe (and one she’d had an extensive
crush on in years past), and that same girl’s ex-boyfriend was about to burst
in... and , he was a friend of mine... this was so
fucked up!
    I heard
Julie’s lament, not long before I heard Jordan’s footsteps race up the stairs.
    “I’m afraid
Jordan’s not a person who likes to lose sweetie.” She said.
Julie was right.   This could go on for
weeks, till we moved away for

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