Always Been Mine

Always Been Mine by Carina Adams

Book: Always Been Mine by Carina Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carina Adams
next to me and sat down.
    “Having a good time?” I nodded. He looked concerned. “Are you alone?” Um… I didn’t know if I should answer. I wasn’t getting a bad feeling about him. Don’t serial killers or rapists send off a bad vibe? Wouldn’t I be afraid?
    “No.” I looked back towards the crowd but still couldn’t see Matty. “Celebrating with a friend. Are you?”
    He smiled. “What are you celebrating?”
    Yep. I was definitely feeling that fourth drink. “M’ divorce.”
    He looked taken aback. “Oh! I’m sorry.”
    I shook my head. “Don’t be. It happens.”
    “There you are!” I turned, hearing Matty’s voice. He sounded both worried and annoyed. He strode up to the table. The giant next to me stood up and I was worried he was going to keep Matt from me. Instead, he greeted Matt like he knew him. I saw Matty smile and hold out his hand. The bastard did know him. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but Matty was laughing. I glared at him. He held out a hand for me. “Come on, sweetie. I’ll take you home.” I didn’t want to go home and shook my head at him. He kept his hand out though and I took it as I stood up. “Wanna dance more?” He eyed me cautiously.
    “No. I’ll take another drink, though.” Both Matty and the giant chuckled at me. Realizing just how much my feet still hurt, I sat back down. Matty gave the giant some money and sat with me. “Did you just let Andre run off with your cash?”
    “Who?” Then he laughed. “That’s Fred.” He smiled. “He owns the place and is bouncing tonight.” Fred that owns a bar and is a bouncer. Because obviously everyone knows Fred, the bouncing bar owner. The thought made me laugh. Matty gave me a weird look. “You’re cut off after this one,” he told me sternly, which only made me giggle more. By the time a girl brought our drinks, I was crying from laughing so hard.
    The girl was wearing short shorts and a tiny tank top that showed her perfectly flat belly whenever she moved her arms. Which was often. She squealed when she saw Mat, practically throwing the tray she carried on the table and jumping into his arms. I wiped the happy tears from my face while I eyed the bimbo climbing all over him. She was tall, blonde, and obviously worked out all the time. Either that or gravity hadn’t caught up with her yet. I hated her.
    Matt was talking in her ear and she was looking at me nodding. She gave me a big smile full of fake white teeth. I glared back. She pulled away, leaning over Matt and giving me a great view of her perfect D’s. “Jo! I’ve heard so much about you! This guy” she bent her head towards Matt “never stops talking about you.” Really? I frowned at him. He shrugged.
    “This is Darcey.” He leaned close to my ear, “Fred’s wife.” Oh! I smiled back at the leggy blonde. “We ride together sometimes.” Ride? Ride what? My confusion must have been obvious because Matt rolled his eyes. "Bikes, Jo. They have a motorcycle and we go on rides together."  That made sense.
    Darcey handed me another pink drink, but then she also slid two shots in front of me and two in front of Matty along with another beer. Matty looked up at her and she winked back. "I know a guy. Courtesy of the owner." I picked up my drink and took a long slow sip. If it was the end, I’d better enjoy it. I hadn't planned on it being stronger than all the others combined and I turned toward the dance floor so they couldn't see the look on my face.
    After Darcey left, we sat in silence, taking sips of our drinks every now and then, watching the other patrons. I couldn't drink mine fast if I wanted to—I'm sure straight gasoline didn't taste nearly as bad. "What kind of shot is that?"
    Matty shook his head. I picked one up, not sure I wanted to try it. Screw it. It couldn't taste worse than my current drink. I held it up, waiting for Matt to toast with me. When he held one out to me, I smiled. "To happy endings." I downed mine. And I

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