Rise of Alpha (The Prodian Journey #1)

Rise of Alpha (The Prodian Journey #1) by Lorenz Font

Book: Rise of Alpha (The Prodian Journey #1) by Lorenz Font Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorenz Font
Gilbert announced himself and placed the glass on the nightstand, within easy reach. I continued to rock and hum to Shannon until she fell into a troubled sleep. I fought to stay awake, but my eyes drooped several times. Sleep found its way to me.  
    After an hour or so, I jerked, waking myself up from a dream. The pictures had been so vivid, an explosion of orange fire and thick black smoke rising in a moonless night. Although I replayed my vision over and over, trying to find clues that would interpret what I saw, I drew a blank.  
    After some time, exhaustion again got the better of me. This time, I dreamed that Shannon was running away, calling my name for help. Two monsters were intent on pursuing her, and they wanted her dead.
    Panicked, I screamed, kicked, and splashed liquid at their grotesque faces, and they fizzled into thin air. I felt spasms coming, tics taking over my body. I cursed and cursed until someone called my name.  
    “Brian. Brian, wake up. You’re having a nightmare.”

The Prodian

    At the crack of dawn, I opened my eyes to find Shannon sound asleep and snuggled against me, her arm wrapped around my chest. When I studied her features, I felt an ache deep in my gut. Her face, even in sleep, still reflected her grief. Although I wanted to keep holding her like this, I had to find Elizabeth, so I slipped out of Shannon’s grasp after a few minutes and left her room. Hoping to find Elizabeth in the sitting room, I wandered the hallway, trying to find my way back.
    “Mr. Brian, may I help you?” Gilbert appeared at the end of the hallway and eyed me with interest.
    “Hey, Gilbert. I’m looking for Elizabeth.” I placed my hands inside my pockets.
    He pointed to the wall. “This way, please.” Before I could ask, he tugged on a low-hanging sconce, and the wall split into two.
    Bewildered, I stepped into the darkened room that lay beyond. It felt like something out of a superhero comic, complete with sliding walls leading to secret lairs. We reached the adjoining room, where several people had converged around a table, Detherina and Elizabeth among them.
    Everyone looked up at our entrance. The unfamiliar faces regarded me with curiosity. When Detherina beckoned me, I hesitated before moving forward. My hands were cold and clammy inside my pockets.
    “Brian, I have no words to offer except thank you,” Detherina said in a solemn voice.
    “No thanks necessary.”  
    “Sit next to me, please.” She pointed to the vacant chair to her right.   Once I did, she looked around at the others. “I want you to meet Shannon’s Prodian, Brian.”  
    At this, everyone started talking at the same time, giving me a round of welcome in English and another strange language filled the room.  
    I waved then returned my hand to my pocket. Keeping my shoulders squared helped control my tics. “What is a Prodian?”  
    Detherina smiled. “A protector.”
    She pointed to a younger man with a rigid black Mohawk, multiple piercings, and dark eyes. “This is Carionis. He is a Binarian. I have assigned him to pose as a transfer student so he can keep an eye on you and Shannon. He’ll be reporting to me.”
    I smiled at Carionis, who nodded in return.  
    “And this is Matro.” Detherina gestured to another person. The man was muscular and wearing a tunic similar to Gilbert’s. “He is family and will be keeping an eye on you, too.”
    Matro gave me a long once-over before he smiled. His eyes had that disconcerting crystal hue. Even his teeth glistened. “You got into a nasty fight, my boy?” His voice was strong and quite foreboding. Despite his smile, I knew this guy wouldn’t think twice about snapping my neck in two—or anyone else’s, for that matter.  
    “Just a little fight,” I admitted.
    “Matro and Carionis will give you a lesson or two on fighting once we all get settled,” Detherina said.
    Me, fighting? More power to both of you.  
    Matro continued to watch me. Carionis

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