Alphas Divided Complete Series

Alphas Divided Complete Series by Jamie Klaire, J. M. Klaire

Book: Alphas Divided Complete Series by Jamie Klaire, J. M. Klaire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie Klaire, J. M. Klaire
    "Galen addressed me as Alpha. There is only one reason he would do that. Are you ready?"
    Emma only nodded, too shocked and saddened to say anything.
    She watched as Elam stood back and shifted, his body growing, stretching and sprouting hair until his wolf form stood before her.
    She had yet to get used to the sight, the flow of the shifting, and found herself staring, admiring his wolf until he let out a quiet yelp to get her attention.
    Even in his wolf form he somehow looked bigger now that he held the responsibility of Alpha on his shoulders. The responsibility he'd never wanted.
    He looked at her, intelligence shining in his dark eyes as he waited for her to remember she was supposed to climb on. Intelligence, begrudging responsibility, and much sadness just radiated from him and Emma took a second to reassure him.
    Somehow she found it easier to talk to his wolf. Maybe because his human form just drove her emotions to distraction, the nearness of him, the scent of him making her crazy. But his wolf form was somehow more approachable, even as he looked like he could tear her limb from limb and eat her for dinner. Defending against that she seemed to be able to handle, it was defending against his human desire she had no resistance to.
    "I'm so very sorry, Elam. If it was my dad, well I can't even imagine the pain you are feeling. And having to take over...Elam, I'm here for you. If there is anything I can do."
    He lowered his head, sighed, and then stepped toward her, leaning his weight against her for just a second.
    She put her hand on his shoulder and slid her fingers through his fur until she could also feel the heat of his skin underneath the pelt. They stood like that for just a second, the urge to get going just under the surface.
    She gave him a quick scratch and then climbed up on his back as he lowered himself some to help her.
    She did what he'd told her to, settling in, squeezing her knees against him, and leaning over him. She held on tight, and buried her face in the fur on his neck, staying tight to him as he hurried though the tunnel.
    She inhaled the scent of him, clean, woodsy and outdoorsy were the words that came to mind as he moved under her.
    Once they cleared the mouth of the cave he started gaining speed. Slowly at first, giving her time to adjust to each faster gait for a heartbeat or two before cranking it up a notch. Soon everything was a blur, and it was all she could do to hang on as he raced around trees and leapt over roots and bushes to get them home as quickly as possible.
    * * * * *
    Thomas's body was laid out, in his human form, on the bed in the cabin he'd shared with Ziva. Elam wove his way through the cabin full of pack members, some in human form, some in wolf form, pulling Emma along behind him by her hand.
    A path opened up before them, everyone moving aside so their new Alpha could get to the deathbed of their old Alpha. Some murmured as the pair passed, making comments about Emma's hand in Elam's.
    Emma couldn't take it all in, being pulled behind Elam so quickly, but it seemed to her that not all of the whispered comments were welcoming.
    When the pair finally reached the bedroom, and Thomas, Emma could see Kate, Galen and Ziva were already here.
    Emma watched as Ziva pulled her gaze from Thomas's body and focused on Elam. She saw many emotions flit across Ziva's face at Elam's appearance, but the only one that Emma was able to pin down was fear.
    'Well, that's weird,' Emma thought. 'Why would Ziva fear Elam?'
    The question was knocked aside though, as Ziva's gaze followed Elam's arm, pausing on the clenched hand holding Emma's, and then kept moving, locking on Emma's face.
    "You can't have it! I'm not leaving!"
    Ziva spat the words, suddenly turning toward Emma and Elam, blind grief mixing with anger and despair on her face.
    "Have what?" Elam was first to answer, pulling his attention from his dead father and Alpha, and trying instead to focus on what Ziva was

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