Alphas Divided Complete Series

Alphas Divided Complete Series by Jamie Klaire, J. M. Klaire Page A

Book: Alphas Divided Complete Series by Jamie Klaire, J. M. Klaire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie Klaire, J. M. Klaire
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suddenly shouting.
    "This room. This cabin. How dare you bring your meddling whore in here?"
    "Ziva, what in the hell are you talking about?"
    "Your Alpha lies dead, and you bring her! Her! Here, into this cabin? Where is your respect?"
    Emma barely registered all the gasps of breath and furiously mumbled responses from every pack member in ear shot as Ziva turned to her with a tear streaked face, and venom continuing to fly from her lips.
    "You think you can come here and ruin everything? After all I've done for this pack? For Thomas? And for Galen? I don't even have to have wolf blood to smell you two. Have you mated yet? Have you marked her? Have you taken Reine's bitch for your own?"
    With that last sentence, Ziva turned on Elam again, suddenly attacking him with fists pummeled against his chest and more words thrown at the two of them.
    Galen was the first to react, as Elam just looked down at her as she tried in vain to inflict pain on him, her adopted son.
    Galen pulled her slight body into a bear hug, holding her and her flailing arms against his chest as she vented and sobbed.
    "Mother, stop it! Elam is our Alpha now, your Alpha, and that is no way to talk to him."
    "Elam will never be my Alpha. Never! It was supposed to be you, Galen. Not this half-breed shape shifter's bastard son. It wasn't supposed to be Reine, and it wasn't supposed to be Elam. It was all for you!"
    Galen lifted Ziva then, taking her out of the bedroom with him. He shot a look toward Kate, who quickly excused herself and followed the two, leaving Elam and Emma alone in the room with Thomas's body, and a cabin full of shocked and mumbling pack members spilled out all over the cabin.

Chapter 14
    The rest of the viewing and funeral for the pack's old and very respected Alpha went off without any other major disturbances. Someone had given Ziva some kind of pill to calm her down, citing grief, and she floated through the pack's customary services for her mate in what seemed to Emma to be kind of a fog.
    Thomas's sendoff was beautiful, with every wolf present saying words over his body before Elam, as the new, presiding Alpha, lit the pyre to send Thomas's soul to join those who had gone before, to watch over the pack.
    Emma tried to get to Kate, to talk to her friend about all that had gone on over the past few weeks, but Kate was busy, tending to Ziva in her grief.
    Later, when Emma had Elam to herself for a bit, she asked him some of the questions that were bugging her, starting with what Ziva had meant by saying she 'couldn't have it.'
    "Don't mind Ziva, she is grieving. No one is quite themselves when grieving their mate."
    "I get that. But why was she saying I couldn't have her cabin? Why would I want her cabin?"
    "It is tradition that the Alpha, and his mate, live in the biggest cabin. Once Thomas passed, and I became Alpha, technically her cabin became my cabin. And she obviously sees what I see, that you are destined to be my mate, and therefore the cabin would be yours, as well. Eventually. When you decide to stop fighting this and be mine."
    He tried to tease her with those last words, pulling a small smile from her lips against her will, even as she nudged him in the side with her elbow, quite convinced that this was neither the time nor the place for that discussion.
    "Are you really going to force her from her home? The home she knew with Thomas?"
    "At some point, but I'm not in any rush."
    "But why do it at all? Can't she just stay there? Who'd care if she stayed there? Why make her move?"
    "After a while, it would be a sign of weakness if I did not claim the best living quarters. I'm in no hurry, like I said. I don't mind giving her some time, of course. But after a while, I would lose face. It would confuse the, how do you say... the pecking order. At first everyone would understand, but then, after a while, it would undermine my position to not take it over. It is my right. To not assert my right on something so small would lead

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