All Living : A Seedvision Saga (9781621473923)

All Living : A Seedvision Saga (9781621473923) by Michael C. Humphrey Page B

Book: All Living : A Seedvision Saga (9781621473923) by Michael C. Humphrey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael C. Humphrey
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have you here with me, old man.”
    “Thanks, I think,” said Al.
    There was a moment of silence before Lester dove in again. “So, I’m a little bit confused by that part about the light and the sound. Care to elaborate?”
    “I sure would, Les. Its most intriguing. It’s a gift God gave us that could solve most of the world’s problems, if it were to go hand-in-hand with a genuine repentance and turning back to God.”
    “How’s that?” questioned Lester.
    “Well to make a long story short, everything in the material plane is composed of energy—a tree, a rock, a person—each one is the sum total of the energy it takes to make it what it is. And each has its own sound frequency. The sound is a by-product of the light aura it emanates. The light is a by-product of the energy within it as it works, acts and reacts, so to speak. Each tree gives off a sound unique to itself. It’s like a fingerprint. All trees produce a sound harmonic that falls within the spectrum of tree sounds but individualized by the type of tree; an oak, a maple, a spruce. Then each sound is unique further to the individual tree. If God were to want, he could attune his hearing to pick up on a certain sound frequency and know exactly which tree it is. The sound is also indicative of the trees health, age, and more amazingly, memory and genetic make-up—its history.
    “The same is true of its light spectrum. Each tree produces a certain amount of heat. The same can be said for every thing in existence. Take rocks, for instance. Granite emits a light aura different from a piece of limestone or marble because of the different energies involved in its being what it is, but all fall within the broad category of rock-energy emanations. It’s like the expression, ‘no two snowflakes are alike.’
    “Each piece of matter is different from each other piece of matter, and the matter that works in conjunction with other matter to form the shape of a rock or tree is a complex, unique, and wonderfully original symphony of light and sound. Most of it is invisible and undetectable to the human sensory apparatus. The thing is, the universe is a constantly moving interaction of energy, giving off light and heat and vibrating in a very musical, very mathematical, orchestration. The energy-light creates the sound, but the sound, when properly played back, controls the energy within the light.”
    “That’s deep, Al, and I’m trying to follow. How do you mean, ‘controls?’”
    “What I mean,” Al replied, “is that if we could play the correct tune; tone, pitch, timbre, pace, to say, an old dying tree, we could reinvigorate it with new active energy and give it back its health.”
    “Like the fountain of youth?”
    “Yes,” said Al with excitement in his voice. “Yes, exactly—a cosmic fountain of harmonic youth. And the same could be done for humans. For instance, I have heard that medical science, or perhaps a better term would be natural herbalists, believes that apricot pits have cancer-curing properties. Let’s assume for a minute that this is true. If I could detect the exact rhythms inherent in said apricot pit and play it to a person dying of cancer, dying of a malignant melody, the two tunes would cancel each other out, and the person would recover. It’s like taking vitamins. The vitamins have natural chemicals in them that stimulate parts of the body to health, but it’s actually the harmonies of the substances in the vitamins themselves that react with the harmonies of the body.”
    “Like carrots improve eyesight?”
    “Exactly. The undetectable rhythms of the vitamin A in a carrot are the melodies that the undetectable harmonies of the eyes respond to. It’s so amazing. God created the science, and we apply it without really knowing how.”
“This is incredible, Al. This could change the world.”
    “Yes, but sadly mankind will not embrace the Creator’s miracles. They need science to have belief. They would attempt to

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