All Living : A Seedvision Saga (9781621473923)

All Living : A Seedvision Saga (9781621473923) by Michael C. Humphrey

Book: All Living : A Seedvision Saga (9781621473923) by Michael C. Humphrey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael C. Humphrey
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their own bath of light. Each stem of grass, each rock, each animal at the edge of the clearing, each star in the heaven, shone with an additional halo of light, an aura of life that glowed and pulsed and shone with the music played—green and red and blue light, and golden—dancing with the sound of each one’s voice. Light that he had never seen, light that he wasn’t sure he was seeing, played upon the landscape of his eyes, amusing him, examining him.
    “It’s so beautiful.”
    “There is more, Kole. This is but a glimpse, yet it will serve you. This light, this sound, that you, alone of all men, perceive, will serve you as you need it. Each sound is but a vibration of each part of each creation’s light. Yet the light can be used, harnessed by the proper combination of sounds. The light is but a power that gives off its own music, but the sound is a tool that can harness the light and cause it to give off new sound, some so marvelous that even while it plays, you will not hear it. You will find that it is one of the Father’s gifts to you. Do you find it a good gift?”
    “It is perfect,” said Kole.
    “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. Of His own will He brought man forth by the Word of truth, that there might be a kind of first fruits of His creatures.”
    “First fruits?” Kole looked perplexed but recognized the term from earlier in their conversation.
    “Indeed, we are most blessed, Kole, you and I.”
    “Yes, I feel that way,” said Kole no longer able to stand but dropping down to his knees in the dirt beneath the trees.
    “Yes, it is time to give thanks,” and the Creator put both His hands upon Kole’s head and prayed.
    “Father, your name is holy, and we speak it in reverence and with great love, for on this day this man lives, not according to the flesh, that will die, but by your spirit that puts to death the deeds of the body and lives. For as many as you will lead with your spirit are now your sons. We hear the groaning of this creation beneath the beauty, eagerly awaiting the revealing of all your children. Your son, my brother, Kole, has come to seek the reason and the cause of Abel’s death, though he knew already its source. But what is now revealed to him is that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed. For your creation was subjected to futility, so that man in his sinful state might retain some measure of dominion over it, as you have declared. But as each man, and all mankind, returns to you through the sacrifice of your first born, the creation itself will also be delivered of God. This is where we have placed our hope, knowing that all things work together for good to those who love you, to those who are called according to your purpose. So be it.”
    “So be it,” Kole repeated.
    The Creator removed His hands from Kole’s forehead, and Kole felt suddenly very weak. He summoned just enough strength to ask, “Must I be sacrificed, my Lord, as the first born? What should I do?”
    The Creator answered, “The first born will be another, Kole. It is not you.”
    “My child?” he asked.
    “Your brother’s child.”
    “Seth? I have no brother named Seth.”
    “There you are wrong, Kole. Even now Seth is known to me.”
    “Seth…” Kole murmured, filling with sleep.
    “Yes, Kole, and a child from Seth’s line will find favor in the eyes of the Lord. And a child from that child will become the firstborn of many brothers.”
    “I don’t understand,” said Kole.
    “You will, Kole. The Father will want you there. But for now you should sleep. You should sleep and not dream. For the world will be very different when you wake up.”
    And Kole closed his eyes as he lay down on the grass and listened to the world singing and slept.

“Last call,” yelled the

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