Alive at Sunset (Rituals of the Night Series Book 2)

Alive at Sunset (Rituals of the Night Series Book 2) by Kayla Krantz

Book: Alive at Sunset (Rituals of the Night Series Book 2) by Kayla Krantz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kayla Krantz
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    Amanda frowned for a minute. “Like I’ve told you before, you never know if you don’t try. Why don’t you tell me where you really went today?”
    “I already told you, I went to visit David.” Luna lied.
    “I called him though, he said you didn’t drop by,” Amanda said. “Why do you keep lying to me?”
    Luna suddenly kicked herself for not dropping in for even a five minute visit.
    “I just feel like I’m better handling this by myself, okay?” Luna said, furrowing her brow in apprehension. She didn’t understand why Amanda couldn’t leave it alone. Did Luna’s personal life bother her that much?
    “That may be true today, but one day you’re gonna want help,” Amanda said, pursing her lips. “Whatever it is that Max keeps calling you about, I have a feeling is also why you’ve been so weird.”
    Luna stiffened. She didn’t like that Amanda was right on the ball. She had thought her roommate was a bit more naïve than that.
    “It does, doesn’t it?” Amanda demanded.
    “Look, it doesn’t matter, alright?” Luna said. “The short version is that I want to get a job so I don’t have to think about what’s bothering me. Can you understand that?”
    “Yes, that I understand,” Amanda said, “but why you can’t trust me enough to talk to me I don’t.”
    “I just want to help out around here,” Luna said. “There’s nothing wrong with that, right?”
    “I suppose, but we have all the money we need. Why spend your free time like that? It’s summer break, and you never even went clothes shopping with me like we planned, Luna,” Amanda said. “If you’re not gonna tell me what’s wrong then you could at least go shopping with me to make up for it.”
    “This is what I want to do with my free time. I don’t feel like I should have to talk if I’m not in the mood for it. You want to hear what I’m honestly thinking right now, Amanda?” Luna asked, looking her full in the face.
    Her blonde roommate nodded curiously.
    “My dog just died, do you really still insist on dragging me to the store?” Luna asked.
    “I’ll give you time to mourn, but eventually, I do expect you to go with me,” Amanda said, frowning as she crossed her arms over her chest. “You won’t ever get better if you just sit around here moping.”
    “Fine,” Luna said, nodding in frustration. She knew she’d have no choice but to give into Amanda’s irrational demands. “But that’s why I said that I need to get a job. I don’t handle grief well with downtime.”
    That wasn’t a lie. Without school to distract her, she was drawn instantly to that notebook. She knew that she hadn’t had to dig it out of her parents’ house, but she felt like it was important. She knew that if she got a job she’d be too tired to even care half of the time. She wouldn’t even think about the book.
    “Well, if you say so,” Amanda said, looking uncertain. “I just wouldn’t look for one today if I were you.”
    “Why not?” Luna asked, wondering if Amanda was going to pick another fight with her.
    “Well, you need time to grieve, Honey,” she said. “I’m sorry if I’ve been frustrating you lately, but I think you really do need to relax. Lucky’s death made me sad too, so I know you must be feeling just awful.  I think you should at least wait until tomorrow to look.”
    You have no idea, Luna thought, feeling crestfallen. She remembered her near collision with the large truck and shuddered inside.
    “See, Mandy, that’s the problem. I don’t want to sit here and think about the things that are making me sad. I want to move on. I want to be useful and take my mind off of my problems.”
    “If you’ve made up your mind about this then I obviously can’t stop you,” Amanda said.
    Luna nodded and stood up. “It’s only seven o’ clock so I still have some time. I’ll be back in a few hours at the latest.”
    Amanda didn’t reply as she turned to look back at the television. Luna knew

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