Alive at Sunset (Rituals of the Night Series Book 2)

Alive at Sunset (Rituals of the Night Series Book 2) by Kayla Krantz Page A

Book: Alive at Sunset (Rituals of the Night Series Book 2) by Kayla Krantz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kayla Krantz
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her roommate thought she was being foolish. Maybe she was thinking a lot worse. She recognized Amanda’s thinking face, but Luna couldn’t bring herself to care what anyone thought about her.
    Luna went out the door, walking the quickest pace she could muster before Amanda could think of another question to bombard her with. She didn’t plan to take Amanda’s car that time. Almost crashing with such a familiar vehicle made her feel sick to her stomach.
    She would walk. Walk and think, of course. Her mind burned with thoughts. She needed to get away from her; she wished there was a place that she could hide. No matter where she went, they followed her. They were awful thoughts.
    Thoughts that Luna desperately wished would leave her alone.

                                          Chapter Thirteen
    A manda watched the door close as Luna left in a hurry. She stared at the dark wood for a long minute. Luna was acting so different lately; she didn’t understand why she was being so secretive. What was Luna hiding that was so bad she couldn’t talk about it?
    When the semester had ended, Amanda thought they’d be able to spend a lot of girl time together and become good friends. When she had talked to her about going on double dates, she had been looking forward to it even though she knew that her tiny friend dreaded it.
    Luna didn’t seem to be interested in hanging with Amanda anymore. She didn’t seem to be interested in hanging out with anyone . For a twenty year old woman, she was strange. She wasn’t interesting in dating; she didn’t care to make any friends. All she wanted to do was work until she collapsed.
    Luna was friends with Amanda of course, but she didn’t want to hang out with her like college girls did. She had a different agenda that she worked from. She seemed traumatized by something. She could understand her roommate being upset after the death of her dog, but she had been strange hours before that.
    Amanda wanted to help her friend and make her feel better again, back to herself. She wanted her to be the girl she was when they had first started talking. Luna didn’t want her to even try. Did Luna feel like she couldn’t trust her? Or was there some other reason that Luna refused to talk about what she knew?
    Either way she would find out what was bothering Luna. Luna would either open up to her on her own, or Amanda would have to do a little bit of investigating. She would figure out how to make her happy again. She had at least one lead to work from.
    Luna’s friend, Max.
    Luna never seemed interested in answering her phone when Max called. If anything, she seemed to get frustrated. Amanda knew that they had a friendship that went way back to elementary school. Amanda didn’t have any friendships that were that old, but she knew if she did, she would cherish them more than anything.
    It was odd that Luna refused to answer the phone to him anymore when she used to be happy the few times a year when he got in touch with her. What was it that he was trying to tell her that she didn’t want to hear?
    If she answered it the next time Max called, would he tell her the message he was trying to relay to Luna? Amanda knew that Max was the only hope she had of figuring out what was bothering her roommate. Luna might get upset if Amanda started snooping around in her personal life, but she couldn’t help it. She hoped that Max hadn’t given up on calling, because if he had, Amanda had nothing left to work off of.
    Luna walked down the sidewalk, feeling hollow inside again. The events of earlier were beginning to weigh down on her. She had never been good at dealing with death and grief. After all she had gone through, she knew she should’ve been able to cope better.
    But she couldn’t.
    Every time she was presented with fresh grief, she felt her insides twist

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