understand,’ he said finally.
Andrews sat back in his chair, his eyes cutting into his guest.
‘At 0700 hours I received a reply to my report from the Network. I may point out that to the best of my knowledge this is the first high-level, priority communication this installation has ever received. Even when Fiorina was a working, functioning mining and refining operation it was never so honoured. You know why?’
Clemens sipped his tea. ‘High-level priority communications have to go through subspace to beat the time problem. That costs plenty.’
Andrews was nodding. ‘More than you or I’ll ever see.’
‘So why rail at me?’
‘It’s this woman.’ Andrews was clearly troubled. ‘They want her looked after. No, more than looked after. They made it very clear they consider her to be of the highest priority. In fact, the communication managed to convey the impression that the rest of the operation here could vanish into a black hole so long as we made sure the woman was alive and in good health when the rescue team arrives.’
‘I was hoping you could tell me.’ The superintendent gazed at him intently.
Clemens carefully set his empty cup down on the table. ‘I see that it’s time to be perfectly frank with you, sir.’ Andrews leaned forward eagerly.
The medic smiled apologetically. ‘I don’t know a damn thing.’
There was a pause as Andrews’s expression darkened. ‘I’m glad you find this funny, Clemens. I’m pleased you find it amusing. I wish I could say the same. You know what a communication like this does?’
‘Puts your ass in a sling?’ Clemens said pleasantly.
‘Puts everyone’s ass in a sling. We screw up here, this woman gets hurt or anything, there’ll be hell to pay.’
‘Then we shouldn’t have any trouble arranging compensation, since we all live there now.’
‘Be as clever as you want. I don’t think the urge will be as strong if something untoward happens and some sentences are extended.’
Clemens stiffened slightly. ‘They’re that concerned?’
‘I’d show you the actual communication if it wouldn’t violate policy. Take my word for it.’
‘I don’t understand what all the fuss is about,’ Clemens said honestly. ‘Sure she’s been through a great deal, but others have survived deep-space tragedies. Why is the Company so interested in her?’
‘I have no idea.’ Andrews placed his interlocked fingers in front of him. ‘Why’d you let her out of the infirmary? It’s all related to this accident with Murphy somehow. I’d bet my pension on it.’ He slapped both hands down on the desk. ‘This is what happens when one of these dumb sons of bitches walks around with a hard-on. Why couldn’t you have kept her bottled up and out of sight?’
‘There was no reason to. She was healthy, ambulatory, and wanted out. I didn’t have either the reason or the authority to restrain her.’ Clemens’s studied savoir faire was beginning to weaken. ‘I’m a doctor. Not a jailer.’
The superintendent’s expression twisted. ‘Don’t hand me that. We both know exactly what you are.’
Clemens rose and started for the door. Andrews’s fingers unlocked and this time he smacked the table with a heavy fist.
‘Sit down! I haven’t dismissed you yet.’
The medic replied without turning, struggling to keep himself under control. ‘I was under the impression I was here at your invitation, not official order. Presently I think it might be better if I left. At the moment I find you very unpleasant to be around. If I remain I might say or do something regrettable.’
‘You might?’ Andrews affected mock dismay. ‘Isn’t that lovely. Consider this, Mr. Clemens. How would you like me to have you exposed? Though they are a matter of public record elsewhere, up till now the details of your life have been your own here on Fiorina. This personal privilege has facilitated your work with the prisoners, has indeed given you a certain awkward
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