AFRICAN AMERICAN ROMANCE: A Thug to Remember (Hood Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (African American Urban Contemporary Short Stories)

AFRICAN AMERICAN ROMANCE: A Thug to Remember (Hood Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (African American Urban Contemporary Short Stories) by Lady Keisha

Book: AFRICAN AMERICAN ROMANCE: A Thug to Remember (Hood Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (African American Urban Contemporary Short Stories) by Lady Keisha Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lady Keisha
know what I mean!”
    “Oh c’mon now.  If we were just two kids hanging out, you know we’d hit it off.”
    Ashley sighed deeply because she knew he was right.  They would have hit it off great and would have been one good-looking couple.  But reality was not in their favor.
    “Clint…” she began.  “We’ve talked about this.  You know we can’t…”
    “Can’t what?”
    “Can’t anything.”
    “You saying you’re not interested?” He still had his sunglasses on and was not even bothering to look at her.
    “I can’t answer that.”
    “That’s an answer in itself.”
    She sighed again and sucked the last of her frozen margarita through the tiny red straw.
    “Easy girl, don’t pull too hard.”
    “Clint…” He was a hopelessly horny guy.  From the security of her sunglasses, her eyes swept from his toned legs across his rippled abs and all the way up to his wavy blonde hair.
    “What if no one ever found out?” he offered.
    “They always do.”
    “But what if…”
    She had had about enough of his questions and the margaritas had made her brain a little less than reliable.  She stood up from her chair and turned to face his.  She deliberately placed one foot on either side and bent over until she was right next to his ear.
    As her firm breasts brushed his bare chest, she whispered to him, “You’d be screaming so loud that everyone would know.”
    He sat there, open-mouthed, as she sauntered away and back into the house.  He turned to watch, her long chestnut ponytail bobbing in rhythm with the swaying of her backside, and he groaned deep in his throat.  He knew she was right. He couldn’t stop the twitching under the fly of his khaki shorts.
    Once inside, she stopped to gasp for air.  She was going to get in hot water before she knew what happened.  One more drink and they would be screaming each other’s names, she just had a feeling.  The feeling had started low in her belly when she felt his eyes on her bared ass, thanks to the wind.  But when he removed his shirt and then came over to sit next to her that same low burn spread down from her stomach to pulse through her pussy.
    A wave of guilt swept through her.  In all of his tanned gorgeousness, he had made her forget about Sam back at school.  Sam had been her boyfriend for almost a year now.  He was a nice guy, truly, but there was something less exciting about Sam the business major than there was about Clint the Army Ranger.
    The barbeque was a pretty casual affair but well-attended so Ashley was able to avoid Clint for most of the night.  Eventually the sun set but did not take the Florida heat with it.  The crowd had thinned out and soon it was only Ashley and Clint left out in the backyard.  She had had several more margaritas by now, and was unable to prevent the situation successfully.  It helped that he had put his shirt back on, but not by much.  The white sleeves still stretched tightly over his tanned biceps and she had to fight the urge to run her nails down his arm.
    “Hey again,” Clint sidled up to her.
    “So what was that about earlier?”
    “Nothing, I didn’t mean anything by it.”
    “Ashley, come on.  You lean up against me and start talking dirty?  And then tell me it doesn’t mean anything?”
    “What?  You can’t handle taking what you’ve been dishing out?”
    It was Clint’s turn to stammer, “Well, I, uh, see, um…  Well, you’ve always been pushing me off.”
    She pressed herself into him, her full breasts against his firm chest.  The handful of margaritas made her sway slightly, making his pupils dilate and his cock twitch.
    “You looking to push me off?” she murmured softly.
    “Yes.  No.  I, um, well…”
    “That’s what I thought.”
    She ran one nail lightly down his arm, sending goosebumps dancing across his skin.
    “You sleep well, stepbrother.”
    Clint groaned and watched her climb the stairs.  He moved after her, hoping to catch another

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