Cinderella Undercover

Cinderella Undercover by KyAnn Waters

Book: Cinderella Undercover by KyAnn Waters Read Free Book Online
Authors: KyAnn Waters
Tags: Siren Classic

    Copyright © 2010

    Chapter One

    The hollow click of Victoria Rosso’s three-inch heels echoed through the stark, sterile hall leading to Director Amine’s office. With each footfall, her anticipation increased. Flutters swirled deep in her center. The sensation traveled up her spine until her heart raced and adrenaline surged through her system. There was only one reason for the summons. She had an assignment.
    Three weeks ago, she’d returned from the Mediterranean after a four-month operation. Posing as a wealthy Eastern European, she’d infiltrated a smuggling organization trafficking young women who were unknowingly lured into sexual slavery.
    Victoria wasn’t ex-Navy SEAL or ex-Delta Force like most of her male counterparts at Echelon Shield. While she spoke several languages, had a black belt in Aikido, and could break complex computer codes, her skills weren’t on par with her fellow agents.
    What made her valuable to Director Amine and the elite forces of ES was her beauty. Given her long legs, small waist, and high breasts, she couldn’t possibly pose a threat to a corrupt male-driven empire. Victoria’s looks made everyone think she was nothing more than a buxom blonde bombshell. That’s why they sent her in.
    Victoria gave a gentle knock. When Amine’s voice bellowed to enter, she opened the door and walked inside.
    Amine cradled the phone to his ear and pointed to the over-stuffed leather chair across from his cluttered desk. She crossed the room and sat on the edge of the cushion. Her fitted knee-length skirt rode up her thigh. Not that it mattered at this meeting. Director Amine would be the last person affected by her sexual nature. Sex appeal was part of her professional persona. Unless she was in her quiet beach house on the coast of Maine and off the ES circuit, she dressed for the job.
    This last stint of rest and relaxation hadn’t lasted long. Three weeks to be precise, but that was long enough. She was ready to work.
    Amine hung up the phone and picked up a file. “We have a situation that requires immediate attention.”
    Those terms sparked her excitement. Amine was a man of few words—retired military, kind-hearted to those deserving, and intimidating as hell to any who endeavored to thwart American ideals. When the government couldn’t act, he did. Swift, concise, and deadly. Not only did he have the finances, but he had the connections. Amine wasn’t a man to cross. Those he brought into Echelon Shield were the best. And she knew where she ranked with him. “I’m ready.”
    He dropped the file on his desk and rubbed his eyes. Then he laughed. “I’m glad you feel that way. This is a bit different from your usual assignments. There is already an operative involved.”
    Victoria silently sighed. Calling another operative in meant something had gone wrong. Either the agent’s cover had been blown, or whatever plan they were operating under had fallen apart. Either way, the risks increased. “Before I give you the details, I want to make sure you’re up for this.”
    “Absolutely. I’ve been home three weeks and I’m ready for some excitement.”
    One bushy gray brow rose above his shrewd gaze. “We haven’t heard from our agent and he missed his extraction deadline. He’s the guest of Maxwell Evenson while he’s upgrading his internal computer network. We believe Evenson keeps a separate accounting of his illegal activities on the premises of his Louisiana compound. The man is paranoid, so our agent has had no outside communication. He’s too deep. I need to send in someone he trusts to make physical contact.”
    Victoria heard what Amine didn’t say—what they didn’t know. Until ES ascertained the exact condition of their operative, policy dictated that they proceed as if the cover was blown and that the operative was working on a contingency plan.
    “I need someone I can trust. I need you.” He raked his fingers through his

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