Adventurous Me
good. Sometimes he fucks me fast and hard, over and over, while I beg for more. Sometimes we rock together like we’ve always known each other, a sweet thing while it lasts. I’m never really sure what’s going to happen next, but I’m pretty sure it’s going to be amazing. At least the sex.
    On Wednesday he announces, “We’re going to the club tonight. I’ll pick out something for you to wear. Go shower.” When I get out of the shower, a pair of black stretch short-shorts and black seamed stockings are lying on the bed with a pair of black stilettos on the floor. The top he’s put out for me is more or less a bra, and it has little slits up the middle of the cups with ribbon tie closures. In other words, if they’re untied, my nipples will be completely exposed. That’s intriguing.
    I was hoping he’d give me a prettier collar to wear when we go out, but he doesn’t, just the training collar. Once he’s helped me buckle it on, we go to the door, where he gives me the once-over and says, “Mmmm-mmmm-mmmm; you’re a scrumptious kind of fuckable. Remember, eyes averted and no talking to other Doms.” I nod. With that, we head out and make it to the club just as it’s opening.
    There’s already a crowd milling about. He retrieves two drinks from the bar – Dave’s nowhere in sight – and we head over to watch the scenes. Clint brought a leash and snapped it onto my collar. He says it’s not to lead me, but rather to keep other Doms away. Looks like it’s working pretty well. No one will even look at me.
    I’m thrilled when he unties the cups of my bra. My nipples are hard, and they pretty much salute anyone who walks by me. Right outside the men’s locker room door, he says, “I’m going in the restroom. Stay right here,” and clips my leash to a ring on the wall. As soon as he disappears, who should turn up but Steffen. Imagine that – what a coincidence. I shiver because I’m pretty sure this won’t go well for me.
    “Hey, little one! How are things going over at Master Clint’s?”
    I shake my head. “Sir, you’re not supposed to be talking to me. You know that. Please don’t get me in trouble. Please?”
    “Don’t you wish you’d come with me? That they’d drawn our names together? I do; I still do.”
    “Sir, please . . .”
    “What the hell is going on here?” Clint walks out of the restroom and Steffen just smiles. I shrink and don’t say anything.
    “I was just telling your sub here that I wish they’d called our names together. I don’t think you deserve her.” Steffen leers at Clint, and I can see Clint’s hackles rise.
    “Is that right? That is now no longer an option, so just accept it, Steffen. By the way, where’s the sub you drew?”
    “Over at the bar. We’re going to scene in a few minutes, so she’s getting some liquid courage in her.”
    “You know you’re not supposed to be talking to another Dom’s sub. Thanks for following protocol.” I can tell Clint is furious.
    “Yeah, well, take it out on her. See you later, little one,” Steffen says with a grin and turns to go to the bar.
    “Sir, I didn’t . . .”
    “You know you’re not supposed to talk to another Dom without my permission.” He’s glaring at me.
    “I wasn’t, Sir! I was trying to make him go away.” I can feel myself start to tremble.
    “You were flirting with him. Admit it.”
    That really pisses me off. “No, Sir, I wasn’t! I was trying to get him to leave me alone. I said, ‘Sir, you’re not supposed to be talking to me,’ but he just kept on.”
    “Come with me.” He takes my leash and pulls me down the hallway to one of the private rooms. “You’re going to learn protocol. You’ll not be caught talking to another Dom again without my permission. I won’t have it.”
    When we get into the room, I realize there’s a huge frame sitting right in the middle of the space. There are eye bolts all around it and chains dangling from them. “Get in the frame.

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