Wings of Arian
    Emane took a bite of his soup. Dropping his spoon back into the bowl he snapped, “It would have been better warm.”
    Kiora scowled at him, “You didn’t have to wait for me.”
    “Of course I did Kiora. It’s called being a gentleman!”
    Fighting the urge to ask if being a gentleman included yelling at girls, she took another bite of soup before laying her spoon down next to her bowl. Sighing, she tried to catch his eye, which was yet again fixed on the wall behind her. “I’m sorry Emane. I didn’t mean to upset you.” Emane just shook his head in disgust and shoveled another spoonful of soup into his mouth.
    The tension in the room was getting rather thick before Aleric finally spoke. “So Kiora, you seem to be in better spirits than last I saw you.”
    Kiora sighed, “I was before you reminded me.” She forced a smile. “At least before I believed that the book was only giving me what I could handle. But now, I am scared to even look at some of those spells.”
    “I understand your fear. Magic is a very powerful thing.”
    “You said you thought you knew why the book filled up,” she said, taking another bite of soup. It exploded with flavor in her mouth.
    “I have my ideas.”
    Kiora looked at him waiting for an answer. Aleric sat calmly eating his soup and bread.
    “Well?” she asked.
    “Aren’t you going to tell me?”
    “Probably,” and Aleric went back to eating.
    Kiora sat and stared at him again, he continued to eat his dinner. After a minute or two, Eleana glided in through the tent flaps.
    Without looking up Aleric said, “Finally! I was worried Kiora was going to stare a hole straight through me.”
    Emane mumbled under his breath. “Better than blowing a hole straight through you.”
    Kiora’s spoon dropped into her bowl with a loud clang. Her stomach twisted within her as she stared at him in horror. “What did you say?” she whispered.
    Emane looked up to see Eleana and Aleric looking at him with equally horrified looks. Kiora was staring straight forward white as ghost.
    “Nothing. I didn’t…”
    “I’m not hungry.” Kiora stood slowly, trying to regain her composure before running out of the tent. Emane heard her sobs breaking shortly after.
    “Kiora!” he shouted, his chair clattering to floor as he jumped up.
    Aleric’s quiet voice cut through him like a knife, “Emane…”
    The disappointment evident in that one word humbled him in a way no one had before. Aleric didn’t need to say anymore. Emane had crossed the line and he knew it. He took off after Kiora.
    “Kiora,” he shouted. “KIORA!” He saw a flash of white and followed her. He ran until he found her huddled at the base of a large tree across a small clearing. Emane stood there motionless. His shame was growing as he thought about what he had said. There was probably not anything he could have said that would have hurt her more. He wanted to kick himself.
    “Go away!” Kiora shouted, “I know you’re there.”
    Emane rolled his eyes. These threads were a pain in his neck. He didn’t even have time to think of what he was going to say. “Kiora, I need to talk to you.”
    “Why would you want to talk to me?” Kiora yelled back across the clearing. “I’m just the girl who ruined your life and blew up the Hollow.” She broke out into sobs again.
    Emane broke into a jog, crossing the clearing. “Kiora,” he stood awkwardly behind her. She sat on the ground with her knees pulled up to her chest, her chin set on top, her back shaking. Emane knelt down next to her putting his hand on her shoulder. “I am sorry, Kiora.”
    She jerked her shoulder away. “Sorry is not good enough, Emane.”
    Emane pulled his hand back as Kiora stood up and moved a few feet away before plopping back down. She curled her knees back underneath her and wrapped her arms around them squeezing them in as tight as she could.
    “Kiora, I...”
    “You have no idea what I have been

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