Adopted Son

Adopted Son by Linda Warren

Book: Adopted Son by Linda Warren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Warren
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socks making no sound on the tiled floor.
    Brady was so beautiful with his big eyes and sweet face that Grace couldn’t take her eyes off him. Brady’s whole life was ahead of him. All he needed was the right people to nurture and guide him. Were Lisa and Keith those people? She had to be sure about that.
    For Tuck.
    And for herself.
    Brady ran by Lisa and she reached out to catch him, holding him in her arms. Brady wiggled for a second to get away, but Lisa held on. Suddenly he laid his head on her shoulder. Grace’s breath caught in her throat.
    “I guess everyone was right,” a familiar voice said from behind her.
    Grace whirled to face Tuck, her pulse racing at his tall figure. She swallowed. “About what?”
    “Caroline and others have said that Brady needs a mother. He needs nurturing and care from a woman so he can trust again.” His eyes were on Brady and Lisa and the pain in those eyes tore through Grace.
    “Brady has a lot to overcome and it’s going to take time,” she offered for lack of something to say.
    “Yeah, and he needs someone with him twenty-four hours a day.”
    She was taken aback by his response. “Does that mean you’re withdrawing your petition?”
    “No.” He glanced at her. “A judge will still have to make the decision concerning who’s best for Brady. But when Brady grows up, I want him to know there was a man who never gave up on him.”
    That was the most caring thing she’d ever heard and tears stung the back of her eyes. She couldn’t make a fool of herself in front of him.
    “You didn’t have to take yourself off the case,” he said abruptly. “I’m sorry I mentioned that.”
    Her hand tightened on the strap of her purse. “I felt it was the right thing to do.”
    He stared at Brady and Lisa. “Sometimes doing the right thing is hell.” After saying that, he walked off down the hall.
    Grace’s chest contracted painfully and she wanted to go after him, to reassure him. But it wasn’t up to her.
    Glancing back to the room, she saw Brady push Lisa away. She caught him again and he hit her. Grace winced. That wasn’t good. Brady had a lot of anger inside him and his recovery wasn’t going to happen overnight.
    As Grace left the hospital, she thought of going to Tuck’s but she knew he wouldn’t welcome her presence. And he probably wanted to be alone before the big decision tomorrow.
    So she went home to her neat, quiet apartment.
    N OT MANY THINGS made Tuck nervous, but he had to admit he was on edge about today’s proceedings. Shaving, he nicked his chin. He spilled coffee on his slacks and had to change. When he spilled his coffee a second time, he realized he was as nervous as he’d ever been.
    And the day had barely begun.
    He met Beau at the courthouse and Beau explained what was going to happen. Tuck nodded. He just wanted it over with.
    They met the Templetons and their attorney in the judge’s chambers. Opal Johnson and Harvey Beckman from CPS were there. A doctor and a therapist were there, too. They found seats in front of the judge’s desk.
    They stood as the bailiff introduced Judge Nora Farnsworth. She took her seat and everyone resumed theirs. Each attorney presented their reasons why their client was the best person to gain custody of Brady Harper. The doctor spoke of Brady’s injuries and his recovery. The therapist talked about Brady’s mental health and the care and attention he needed for a full recovery.
    “I have read all the facts, listened to the witnesses and in most cases I would take more time to review this case.” The judge closed a file and addressed everyone. “But CPS, Mrs. Johnson in particular, has stressed that Brady Harper needs stability now. So many people around him is confusing him more.” The judge adjusted her glasses.
    “Ranger Tucker, I’m very impressed with your devotion to this child, as is Mrs. Johnson. I have depositions from just about every nurse on the pediatric ward praising your devotion

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