Adopted Son

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Book: Adopted Son by Linda Warren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Warren
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some hoops then we’re going out for a juicy steak.” Caleb was talking, but Tuck’s attention was on Grace. Her hair was loose around her shoulders again, making her green eyes vibrant and her features soft and appealing. She was beautiful. Why had he never noticed that before?
    And why was he noticing it now?
    He swung his focus to Caleb. “It’s not even three in the afternoon. I’ll be fine, guys. I appreciate your being here, but go back to work.”
    Eli shook his head. “No can do. Jake’s on his way and he’s dropping Elise and the kids at my house. Macy and Zoë are already there and Josie will arrive after work. It’s all planned.”
    Tuck took a moment to absorb this. It felt good to be included as one of the McCains and no way was he letting them down. He needed to burn off some restless energy and what better way than to fool around with friends who knew what he was going through.
    “Okay,” he said and picked up his hat, placing it on his head. As he did, his eyes caught Grace’s and she walked over to him.
    Being perceptive guys, his friends moved away to give them some privacy.
    “I’m sorry,” she said, and he got the feeling she really meant it.
    “I knew it was a long shot, but I had to try.” He shoved his hands into the pockets of his slacks, feeling nervous again and he didn’t know why.
    “Brady will have a good home.”
    “I’m counting on it.” He tried to smile and failed.
    They stared at each other and he wasn’t sure what to say, so he said the only thing he could. “Bye, Grace.” Walking toward his friends, he felt this was goodbye in more ways than one.
    Without warning, a pang of regret hit him.
    G RACE FELT BAD FOR T UCK and she couldn’t get his hurt expression out of her mind. So she spent the rest of the afternoon in her office, working, staying busy to keep from thinking about Tuck.
    She had three messages from her father, all irate that she wasn’t taking calls, all about Derek Mann. After returning the calls, she sat in deep thought. Her father was nervous and she had to wonder why. She had taken over the firm so why was he stepping back into the picture? He was a U.S. Congressman and not affiliated with the Whitten Law Firm anymore. Or that was the picture he presented to his constituents and his adversaries. What was going on?
    She flipped through the impressive résumé of Derek Mann. He’d attended law school at Baylor University and had received a law degree from University of Houston. He graduated in the top ten percent of his class. After that, he clerked for some impressive judges in Texas and Washington. The last year he was a partner in a big-name firm in Boston. Why did Mann want to come back to Texas? And what did he have to do with her father?
    Pushing a button on her phone, she said, “Nina, I’d like to see Chuck as soon as possible.”
    “Yes, ma’am, I’ll let him know.”
    Chuck Wallace and his father, Charley, were the firm’s main private investigators. Sometimes they hired outside investigators if they needed extra help on a case, but Charley Wallace had been on the payroll since her father’s days at the firm. She’d hired Chuck three years ago and she knew she could trust his discretion. Charley was very loyal to her father and she wanted to avoid questions she felt she didn’t need to answer.
    Her cell buzzed. It was Caroline.
    “Are you okay?”
    Her hand gripped the phone. “Yes. Why wouldn’t I be?”
    “You don’t have to appear tough with me, Grace. I know this day was hard for you.”
    Her sister knew her better than anyone. “Yes,” she admitted. “I felt bad for Tuck. He really loves Brady.” That’s what bothered her the most—Tuck’s feelings for Brady were real, sincere. But then, she reminded herself, Lisa’s and Keith’s were, too. And those feelings would grow once they got to know Brady. They would make great parents. She really believed that.
    There was a long pause on the other

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