Adonis and Aphroditus
would take some time and she was glad she did when ten
minutes later the guard and his boss came into the office.
    “Oh, sorry. We didn’t mean to interrupt you.
Will you be done soon?” asked the boss. He was tall and lean with
brown curly hair and a receding hairline. His eyes were too close
together and a pale blue. He leered at her and his eyes roamed over
her body.
    “I’m almost done,” she replied trying to
sound friendly but professional. She checked the trash can and
wiped off the desk. “It’s all yours.” She hurried to get her cart
the hell out of there. The door closed and she heard the lock click
as she left.
    Her knees were weak and her stomach was doing
flip flops. She thought she might pass out and she was attempting
to take slow deep breaths. The worst part was that the baby was
kicking and rolling around reacting to his mother’s fear even
though there was nothing the babe could do about it. She wanted to
cry but fought hard not to because if she saw someone later, they
might question what was wrong. She didn’t want to attract any
attention. She needed to contact the god, Afrod, he’d said his name
was, and warn them that action was imminent. She was concerned
enough that they might get here too late.
    She finished her shift and managed to hurry
out without attracting any attention. She would call Afrod first to
let him know about the complication of the proposed move they were
planning. She made it to her car and headed up to the gate. The
guard opened it and she drove out. They never checked for stolen
items or anything else. They had gotten lazy, lax, and she was glad
of it. If the gods could get here and go in right away, it would be
much easier due to the poor security.
    She made it home, took a shower, dressed for
bed, and got her phone. The number that Afrod had given her was on
her list. Afrod was funny and he could make her laugh. He had also
inspired her confidence when he had sworn he would see to her
safety. Once the gods dealt with freeing Apis, she would go back
home to her sister and get her life on track. She had been a proud
fool to stay away and struggle on her own.
    She pushed the button and she could hear the
phone ring. Once, twice, and finally he answered. “Julie?”
    “Yes, it’s me. I had to call you to let you
know tonight after I saw Apis, the guard and a guy I’ve not seen
before walked by the office I was in. I listened in and they’re
planning to relocate to New Orleans.”
    “I thought we agreed you were to stay away
from Apis and take no chances until we get there to spring
    “You just don’t understand, Afrod, his life
hangs by a thread. I think they’ve stopped feeding him. If not for
me, he’d already be dead.”
    “That makes no sense, why would they starve
him to death?”
    “I don’t know, but they also take samples
from him daily. He’s no longer healing, I’m worried for him.”
    “It will be okay, Julie. Please be careful,
we’ll be there tonight and I’ll call you. Are you working
    “Yes, nothings been said about them leaving
officially, yet.”
    “They wouldn’t tell you. You’d just go to
work and find everything locked down and everyone gone. I’ll call
you later in the morning. Everything is on track like we
    They said goodbye and hung up. She felt
pensive now but she was still determined to get back to basics. She
owed this baby a family and without a father to claim the baby that
meant her sister Nettie would be the child’s only other family.
Julie knew it was long past time for the call she was about to
make. She hit the call button by Nettie’s name and listened to the
ring. She almost backed out, she was embarrassed she’d stopped
calling her sister. She’d focused on her own failure instead of the
love that had always held her and Nettie together.
    “Nettie, how did you know it was me?”
    “I found out where you were and your number
weeks ago. I was just waiting,

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