Addictive Lunacy
    I swallowed back the words, the unspoken questions burning me like acid.  However, there was one question that needed to be asked.
    It was probably not the best time considering I hadn't let her go and I was feeling up on her arms like the perv she had turned me into, but I couldn’t stop myself.
    “Why are you always so shaky around me?”
    Demitra’s little mouth fell open into an ‘O’ and, if possible, her eyes got wider. She didn’t seem to be blinking as she stared into my eyes. I watched her inhale, her movements still shaky, and her throat jumping.
    The sight fixated me. My hands tightened more, even though I was shooting commands at my body. I was telling it to let go of her, to step away from her.
    My commands were being promptly overridden, especially when Demitra inhaled again and then nervously licked her lips. “Answer me,” I half-demanded, half-pleaded, actually taking a step closer to her.
    “I...I can’t,” she whispered and God help me, I couldn’t have mistaken what I had seen: the fact that her eyes had fallen to my lips.
    My tone dropped an octave lower.  “Why not?” I wanted to soothe her, promise that I wouldn’t hurt her.
    But it would all be lies.
    If she so much as looked at my lips one more time, I was going to slam her against my desk and ruin a century of my family’s good reputation.
    “Mr. Sorenson...I...”
    “You used to call me Dorian,” I reminded her, pulling her an inch closer. She actually let me. This would be bad.
    Very bad.
    “You used to call me Demi.” This time it was her tone that dropped, the husky cadence of it sending small shudders through my body. 
    I could tell that she was still nervous but either I was on a testosterone overdose that was causing me to hallucinate, or there was heat reflected in her tone.  I could hear it as well as physically sense it.
    “But that was all a long time ago,” Demitra elaborated.
    I pulled her towards me. I didn’t mean to. It was like a knee-jerk reaction, I couldn't help it. I pulled her to me, my body aching for a physical connection with her.  And with another small gasp, the girl stumbled, landing against my chest, her hands pressed to my racing heart.
    We both froze but there was no mistaking that her chest was racing.
    Her heart was beating just as hard as my own.
    You’re probably scaring her, you fuck!
    True. But I couldn’t pull away. My body was starved for her and it had been more than three months since I had a woman because of her. Every time I came close to even inviting another woman to sleep with me, Demi’s image was there.
    Haunting me.  Laughing at me. Destroying me.
    “I’m sorry,” I heard myself repeat just as Demitra pushed herself up enough to raise her head and lock eyes mouth.
    She was staring at my fucking mouth again.
    I rasped, suddenly latching onto the back of her neck and holding her still.  “I’m so fucking sorry.” I dove for her mouth, screaming at myself to stop but knowing it was futile.

    I t all happened so fast. I pressed my lips to hers and raw, agonizing sensation exploded. Carnal sensations rose up and mixed with the sweetest and muskiest flavor I’d ever tasted. I heard an animalistic growl leave me as I all but swallowed her bottom lip, sucked it in and got lost in the juicy feeling of it.
    As lost as I was in the sharp stabs of lust that were assaulting my lower abs and cock, I was still expecting her to pull back. Still expecting her to attack me, shove me away, hurt me and run screaming bloody-murder out of the office.
    She didn’t.
    Demitra was panting against my mouth and she hadn’t moved as I continued to suck her bottom lip. I grabbed it between my teeth, my hands now cupping her small face. I pulled back and bit slightly harder, then soothed where my teeth had just been with my tongue.
    What happened next floored me and ensnared me.
    Demitra finally moved, a harsh breath leaving her and sliding into me. Her small hands

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