Accidental Abduction

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Book: Accidental Abduction by Eve Langlais Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Langlais
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like a safe affair.”
    “ I have no family, well, other than Jaro, and we don’t run into each other often.”
    Megan bit her lip. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” It would explain why he’d never spoken of his upbringing.
    Tren shrugged, his face expressionless. “My father died when my brother and I were still young. A failed mission. My mother succumbed to an injury over ten planetary cycles ago.”
    “ You still have your brother, though, even if you don’t currently get along.”
    “ Only because we promised our mother not to kill each other,” he growled, pacing the bridge.
    “ Maybe you can patch things up.” It bothered her to see him so agitated and to discover he was just as alone in the universe as she was.
    “ Enough. I will not speak of this further.” He held up a hand to forestall any further commentary on her part.
    “Incoming message from the galactic council.” The computer’s voice interrupted them.
    Tren ’ s brows drew together. “ What in frukx do they want? They know I am retired. ”
    “ Who’s the galactic council?” Megan asked. “And what did you retire from?”
    “None of your affair. You’ll have to leave so I can hear the message. I’ve left the package with your new garments in our quarters.”
    Megan knew a brushoff when she heard it. It still annoyed her. She began to walk toward the elevator when he caught her and spun her around. Drawing her up on tiptoe, he kissed her; a hard bruising embrace that stole her breath.
    She didn’t say anything when he let her down, just stared at his eyes which glowed with intensity. “I will be along shortly. I expect to see you wearing something new. Or else,” he warned with a wink.
    Megan blew him a raspberry in reply which made him chuckle. Smiling herself, she left him, entering the elevator that would take her back to his quarters. As she exited into the corridor, a tremor rocked the ship, and Megan braced her hand against the wall.
    What the fuck was that?
    An alarm sounded which didn’t reassure her, but not as badly as the frisson of fear that struck her when the lights went out.
    Megan froze, surrounded by pitch black. Somehow she doubted this boded well, a belief that tripled when she heard a scuffling sound echoing somewhere in the corridor with her.
    “ Tren?” She hated the quaver in her voice. However, she forgave herself in this instance. Seriously, the situation warranted it.
    Nobody replied, but the skin on her nape prickled, announcing the fact she shared the dark hall with someone—or something else. She reached at her waist for her needle only to curse silently as her hand didn’t locate it. She’d left it in the bridge during her wait for Tren.
    A whisper of sound from behind made her whirl, not that she could see anything. She punched forward with her fists and was rewarded with contact and a grunt, but her feeble blow didn’t stop the fabric from getting pulled over her head, or the prick in her arm.
    “ Tren’s going to fucking kill you for touching his merchandise,” she slurred to her unseen attacker before slumping to the floor unconscious.

Chapter Ten
    Tren stood for a moment watching the elevator door, wishing he could follow Megan instead of wasting time listening to a message he had no interest in.
    But I will not chase after a female. Brave words that made him sigh and his cock sulk. “Play the message from the council,” he ordered aloud to the computer.
    He’d no sooner settled into his chair than the screen lit up with the galactic council crest, but the face that appeared immediately after had him jumping from his seat and growling.
    “Z’nistakn, what the frukx do you want?”
    The green scaled humanoid flicked a forked tongue and chuckled, a gravelly, wet sound. “I want what I always have, your head on a platter, and your entrails on my plate.”
    Tren smiled coldly. “Threats? Are you really so stupid? I could use a new pair of boots.”
    The councilor hissed and his

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