Accidental Abduction

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Book: Accidental Abduction by Eve Langlais Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Langlais
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with a bright red, flashing sign that she couldn’t read. Annoyance made her flush and drum her fingers as she guessed what it said given he had some alien females hanging off each arm. Their numerous breasts pressed against him, and he, the freaking jerk, did nothing to push them away. On the contrary, he smiled and patted the hand of one.
    Fuming, she crossed her arms and turned sideways in the chair to avoid seeing him bestowing anything more intimate on the hussies. Irrational jealousy ate at her. She didn’t own him and had no say in whom he spent his time with, and apparently, no matter how many times they’d fucked, the first chance he got, he preferred paying for it, which said a lot about her skill—or lack of.
    She didn’t care. He’s a slaving pirate who intends to auction me off and if he thought he’d get any more taste of the goods, he had another thing coming.
    When he finally arrived in the command center, she wouldn’t swivel to face him.
    “I see you finally managed to figure out some of the ship commands,” he announced.
    “ With no help from you, ” she grumbled.
    “ I was otherwise occupied,” he retorted.
    “ Yes, I saw how you were busy ,” she drawled with thick sarcasm. She pivoted in the seat and fixed him with a sneer.
    “ Are we back to acting irrational?” he snapped back.
    She arched a brow. “Me? I never realized I’d stopped. And don’t try to change the subject. I’m not the one who can’t make up his mind.”
    Tren gaped at her. “What the frukx are you yammering about now?”
    “ Don ’ t act so innocent. I saw you with those-those things. ”
    His gaze flicked to the view screen which still ran the live footage of the market place. His brow cleared in understanding. “I admit, I didn’t know what would please you, hence my difficulty in choosing.”
    “ Please me?” She jumped up from the chair and stalked toward him. She poked him hard in the chest and then poked him again just because she enjoyed it. “Just because I let you fuck me, doesn’t mean I’m open to your sick sexual fantasies.”
    Tren stared at her with incomprehension. “How did we get back to sex? My errand was one of your asking. Or did you change your mind about acquiring a new set of clothing and shoes?”
    “ Clothing?” Megan’s brow wrinkled.  “What’s clothing got to do with those sluts groping you?”
    Comprehension dawned on him and he laughed. “You saw me with the seamstresses and thought I spoke of bringing them back for a group orgy?” Megan blushed and he chuckled louder.
    Annoyed at her mistake, she slugged him in the groin and then stomped on his foot for good measure. It didn’t stop his laughter or his arms from coming around her frame to tug her into him for a bone crushing hug.
    “ This isn’t funny,” she muttered, her cheeks hot with embarrassment.
    “ I find your jealousy highly entertaining.” He rubbed his chin across the top of her head, and his gentle gesture made it hard for her to hold on to her irritation.
    “ I am not jealous. I’d have to like you for that emotion to work.” But his words slapped her in the face with the truth. Fucking hell, if I’m jealous then I must like him.
    “Liar,” he chided.
    Yes, she was, and she didn’t like what it implied. Not enjoying where this conversation headed both aloud and in her mind, she changed the subject. “So, what’s up between you and your brother? I see he got both the looks and the charm. Is that why you don’t get along?” Her jibe stifled his humor and he stepped away from her, taking his masculine warmth with him, and, for a moment, she regretted her words.
    “ My argument with my brother is none of your concern. And in the future, if you should encounter him again, you would do well to watch yourself. I might be renown in the galaxy, but he is the scourge of it.”
    “Nice family,” she sassed. “I think I’ll skip the family reunion if you don’t mind. Somehow it doesn’t seem

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