Above the Waterfall

Above the Waterfall by Ron Rash

Book: Above the Waterfall by Ron Rash Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ron Rash
helicopter, NEWS 5 on the side, hovered above the lodge. A cameraman leanedout to film, and then the helicopter flew away. “I’ve called DENR three times and they still aren’t here but everyone else except goddamn Sixty Minutes is.”
    Tucker’s eyes remained on the sky, where buzzards resumed their slow circling. Like a nightmare merry-go-round, I thought, and it was clear from Tucker’s face he didn’t find it an appealing sight either.
    â€œThat’s another nice welcome,” Tucker seethed. “Turn left when you see the buzzards. Go do your job, Sheriff. If you had on Monday when Gerald came up here raising hell—”
    â€œHe just wanted to talk to you,” Becky said angrily. “Gerald didn’t threaten anyone until your thugs came after him. And he didn’t kill your fish, Mr. Tucker. I know Gerald and I know he wouldn’t do this.”
    Tucker placed a hand on his cheek, rubbed upward, touching the hearing aid before adjusting his glasses. Doing it unconsciously, but it seemed a wish that all he’d heard and seen was not real but an equipment failure.
    â€œI’ve known Gerald Blackwelder a lot longer than you, ma’am,” Tucker said, “and I’ve seen a side of him maybe you haven’t and I’m not even talking about his burning a house down. Long before he did that, I watched him nearly kill a man in a bar fight. Gerald knocked him to the floor and the guy didn’t get up, couldn’t get up, but Gerald kept punching him in the face, even after the guywas out cold. I was across the room and I could hear the teeth breaking. It took three fellows to get Gerald off him. That man he beat up was in the hospital a week. He lost half his teeth and the vision in his right eye. He would have been in a coffin if Gerald hadn’t been stopped. So don’t tell me I don’t know the man, or what he can or can’t do.”
    â€œOkay,” I said, stepping in front of Tucker. “You can go back to the lodge. I’m going to go get Gerald now.”
    â€œGood,” Tucker said, “and about damn time.”
    â€œDo you want me as backup?” Jarvis asked as Tucker stalked off.
    â€œNo, it’s better if I go alone.”
    â€œYou’re going to arrest Gerald?” Becky asked, following me as I walked to the parking lot.
    â€œ Detain ’s a better word.”
    â€œIt means the same thing.”
    â€œMaybe it does,” I said, getting tired real fast of people telling me what to do, “but it’s what has to be done.”
    â€œIt’s wrong to do this to him, Les,” Becky said.
    Nowhere near as wrong as C.J. getting fired, I thought, seeing C.J.’s SUV in the lot.
    I was about to get in the car when Becky grabbed my sleeve.
    â€œHis heart,” Becky said. “I need to be there. You know I do.”
    â€œDrive your own vehicle then.”
    Becky didn’t let go of my sleeve.
    â€œDon’t you understand that Gerald didn’t do this, Les? I don’t care what Tucker says. Gerald couldn’t do this.”
    â€œMaybe you’re wrong about what he’s capable of,” I said. Then more words blurted out before I could stop them. “You’ve been wrong before about what a person could do.”
    Becky flinched and let go of my sleeve. For the first time since we’d known each other, I’d hurt her. Yes, I thought. Maybe it’s not just Pelfrey and Gerald you are wrong about.
    When we drove up, Gerald was sitting on the porch, coffee mug in hand, and wearing the same shirt he had on in the video. He smiled and stood.
    â€œWell, I’d not have reckoned a visit from you all this morning.”
    I stopped at the front step but Becky went up to stand beside him. She trembled but Gerald didn’t seem to notice. He nodded at the helicopter droning above the ridge.
    â€œLooking for dope, I reckon,” he said. “Come up and

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