A World Apart

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Book: A World Apart by Loui Downing Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loui Downing
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although to observe you may leave with a severe headache from their extensive vocabulary and the complexity of history, science and technology along with the perils of scientific mysteries such as the universe’s creation. Sometimes due to Arthur’s age he just talks about sweets and crazy ideas when he’s not feeling up to chatting about topics in such an audacious manner; making Henry laugh with his outrageously preposterous suggestions for his latest invention.             
    ‘Are you hungry?’ claimed Arthur from the small lounge a few doors down from the area where Henry had recently placed his coat. Arthur was perched in his comfy chair that had imprints where he had sat.
    The lounge was very dark, only a small window at the very top of the wall was letting a miniscule amount of light in; Arthur usually having to place a few lamps on to read the morning newspaper. The room is petit but big enough for them as Henry hardly used it, he normally resides in the study room or in the attic conversion; working hard and long into the night.
        ‘No thanks I’ve eaten out today. Oh by the way I spoke to Eva, she’s well and teaching again’ replied Henry talking about a teacher that his father has had close affiliations with for the past few years. Henry encouraged their friendship as he hoped that one day his father would be able to share his work with someone. Henry's mother always loved to see his latest inventions; sadly, she passed away when Henry was eleven from inoperable cancer. Arthur hated it when Henry discussed trying to rebuild his love life; he found it utterly woeful and a lack of respect to his mother. However, Henry’s intentions were purely for the sake of making him happy, not replacing his mother but just even to have a close friend occasionally.
        ‘Hmm…that’s fantastic news then Henry. You’ll be able to get proper assistance now with your field projects, instead of that horrible Dr Thomas, the strict, sour faced mule of a lecturer’ said Arthur murmuring to himself, which Henry couldn’t hear. His lecturer had chosen to be Henry’s second marker had to take over from Eva in her absence; resulting in agonising late conversations that would leave Henry feeling like nothing had been achieved. His forceful and pressuring application of voice seemed to have a lasting impression.
    ‘Yeah, He rambled on at me again today about aiming to finish quadrant 4.6 on the behaviour of transcripts and it has to be deciphered within three weeks! That involves over a hundred pieces of data which is impossible. I would have to work constantly with around the clock, only having one hour of sleep per night for three weeks to have it finished’ added Henry, although he was interrupted purely for exaggerating.
    ‘Ignore him and set your own goals. Wait for Eva to return and you’ll be right on track’ replied Arthur believing his son’s methods were far superior.      
    ‘I’m going to look at these artefacts and then I’ll have an early night tonight, it’s advanced studies on mythology tomorrow so I had better be raring to go’ spoke Henry after the brief silence, which was followed by Arthur wishing him a good night sleep; as he reached for the television remote control.
        Henry lent over to the rear of his thick wooden desk and clicked a black plastic switch that controlled a lamp to his right, giving a mediocre amount of light for him to work with. He turned to his papers and opened them to reveal that they were covered with charts, languages, encryptions and diagrams that looked ancient based on its transcript; constructed in a unique and classic format with a perfected slant.
    Henry had a few globes in his room; he loved anything to do with history, space, nature, science and technology, ever since he was a young boy. He is also is a master of poems, although this is a secret hobby of his that he would rather keep to himself; he saw being

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