A World Apart

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Book: A World Apart by Loui Downing Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loui Downing
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pockets quickly and pulled out the biggest collection of keys, bolts and gadgets, all attached to a sharp metal key-ring that swung delicately as he searched for what he thought was the correct key. He is frantically loveable although he does act silly sometimes, losing his keys and cracking jokes at the most inappropriate of times. The children are amazed by his inventions, revealing the latest gadget he’s been working on, such as the miracle height expander that allows people to reach another level, then there are others like the natural sweet that made from pure earth’s minerals, and the all senses at once sweet called the five forces which contains the juiciest and the sourest ingredients you can think of that stimulates every sense.
        There once was an invention that caused a young girl named Stephanie that lived around a five-minute walk from the shop. She had taken the crazy drink formed by Mr Biggles, who had not properly tested it yet and left it in the same room as the most inquisitive girl he had met, especially for her age. She was a very pretty girl and well-spoken although she loved to get into mischief and adventures that scared her parents dearly. The girl drank the purple fizzy liquid down as if she hadn’t had fluid intake for a long time and she started to feel funny. She felt a pain in one side of her face as she screamed Mr Biggles and a few of his assistants around eight or nine years older came rushing over to her. When they asked her what she had swallowed she could barely talk. The drink was supposed to make you confident, although Mr Biggles had mixed up the contents and instead made the users head expand to an unusually large state; reaching almost three sizes bigger than normal. This incident nearly cost Mr Biggles his job and his home, due to the parents of Stephanie suing Mr Biggles, taking a lot of his earnings, which left him with barely anything to survive on. Being like he is, he didn’t want to give in so easily so he had the will power and business techniques to gradually make his way back to a good standard of living, which meant his inventions, could start again. He made sure that he was going to be extra careful from now on and not take any risks and start with little inventions, which over time became complex and huge projects. The girl still suffers from what happened to her, being nicknamed and bullied which upset Mr Biggles who was currently in search for a cure so that maybe he could obtain his money and his reputation back.
    He finally grabbed and inserted the correct key to the creaky old door that was as old as him. Mr Biggles’ rugged grey beard blew as he opened the door, along with the last few strands of hair that he is clinging onto in a state of despair as he despised getting older. He stood in full view of the door ready to greet his son on return from University that day, which worried Arthur as he expected him back earlier. The scrunched up humorous face of Mr Biggles, accompanied by a checked flat cap, a worn cardigan and an expensive pare of considerable wacky maroon pointy shoes that his son brought for him last Christmas loomed around the windows. Arthur's shoes impressed him as he is always on his feet and these have hardly worn out, sparking an idea for an invention of changeable soles for shoes meaning they would last forever.
    ‘Working late I see’ said a squeaky and crooked voice as Henry stepped into the doorway whose expression gave that of being absolutely exhausted.
    ‘Yeah, the library was quiet tonight so I thought I might as well start some work early and look at artefacts I was given’ replied Henry sounding intoxicated with the historical symbols, meanings and mythology and not in a good way. Henry took off his coat and hung it in the back through a curtained doorway and placed it onto a hat and coat rack. Henry is a well-educated boy that Mr Biggles is very proud of. The atmosphere when they are together is that of tranquillity,

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