A Witch in Time
something I’ve ever tried. In theory, my connection with the elements would allow me to do what you suggest. I just can’t promise you success. And I guarantee you that a spell like that comes with a high price.”
    Enid clasped her hands together to still their shaking. “I’m not asking for promises. Just help.”
    The blue eyes met hers again. Despite the way his look made her feel frightened at her very core, she maintained contact.
    They stood that way for what seemed an eternity.
    Finally, he held out a hand. “Come along. Let’s go. We don’t have all day.” Unnerved by his impatience, Enid took a step back. “Do you want my help or not?” She nodded. “Then come on.”
    Enid stretched her trembling hand out to take his. He pulled her through the wards and started off up the path before she realized what was happening.
    Ghouls skittered at the edges of her vision. She sensed their watchful eyes on her.
    “Wait! I can’t leave the wards. They’ll get me.”
    Rafe pulled her close. Their proximity allowed more of his strength to bleed through the veil to her. Reassured, she fell into step at his side.
    “You don’t need to worry about the ghouls.”
    She soon realized Rafe knew more about the ghouls than she’d thought and knew they wouldn’t bother her. Perhaps the creatures even feared his powers. Whatever the case, the fact that the little beasties didn’t seem willing to come after her at the moment buoyed her confidence. She allowed her mind to relax and started to take in her surroundings as they strode along the winding path leading into a crevice in the hills behind Secret Hallow. A very familiar path. She soon figured out where they were headed.
    “You know about our Elder Tree?”
    “Of course I do,” said Rafe. He cast an unreadable look in her direction. “Orianna told me all about her home while we were together so I know a lot about Secret Hallow. The power of the Tree is so strong I felt its pull as soon as I got here.”
    Full night fell as they passed into the Samhain Grove.
    Enid hadn’t been anywhere near the Grove since she’d passed through the veil. She found the intensity of the blue glow shrouding the trees unnerving. Everyone in Secret Hallow understood that the core of their power came from the Grove and, most especially, the Elder Tree. She’d sensed the power whenever she’d visited the area. Yet this was the first time she’d seen how the magic looked.
    Rafe stopped in his tracks. “What did you just say?”
    “Goblins?” Enid looked up at him, uncertain about what had caught his attention.
    “That’s what I thought. Shame on you.”
    She held back when he started walking again. “What’s wrong?”
    “I hope you don’t use that kind of language around my daughter.” Rafe’s brow furrowed. “She’s too young.”
    Enid thought he seemed to be overreacting. “I don’t often say anything like that.”
    “Good.” Rafe tugged her hand. “Come along.”
    She thought about how Hephaestus led her from The Penny Spindle to Nana’s cottage and felt ashamed that she’d left the castle without letting him know. If nothing else, she should have told him she needed to attend to some business. He might worry when he couldn’t find her after everyone left. And he’d be alone again.
    The forest thickened as they walked deeper into the central core. Then, all at once, the grove ended and they stood facing the small stream separating them from a lone tree towering over all the others. The Elder Tree.
    She stopped short. To her, the tree looked as bare and dead as it had before being healed by Rowan. The gnarled branches reaching skyward reminded her of the ghoulish fingers grabbing at her as she lay in the road. Before Hephaestus had saved her. The impression both unnerved her and reminded her of what she hoped to accomplish here.
    “We’ll need to create a ritual space.” Enid got down to business right away. “I’ve been tutored

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