A Witch in Time
the veil seemed to have drained her strength and she felt the little she had left draining the harder she fought them.
    Everything seemed so much more vibrant now that she’d returned to the Living World. The caress of the breeze on her bare skin. The comforting autumn scents of her village. The soft kiss of silvery light from the rising moon. All the things she’d taken for granted before now seemed so precious and dear to her.
    She realized with frightening clarity that, if she couldn’t escape, the ghouls and spirits would be free to roam the streets of Secret Hallow forever.
    Enid couldn’t allow that to happen. She had to get away.

    R afe’s laughter fed her anger and helped strengthen her in the fight against the ghouls. Enid gathered all that power into a ball within her to expand the range of her senses as she searched for someone to help her escape her current predicament. As the ghouls dragged her along the winding path through the Grove, she allowed her mind to seek out the rest of her coven, connecting with them through the cables of magic that flowed out of the Samhain Grove.
    A vision of the group still gathered at Castle Hallow filled her mind.
    Orianna crossed the room to Caedmon’s side. “I talked with her like he suggested.”
    “I can’t believe you listened to that man.” Caedmon frowned. “He’s not to be trusted.”
    “Now, don’t be jealous. You’re her daddy and my love. He can’t change that.” She placed a gentle hand on Caedmon’s arm as she smiled up at him. “He was right about asking Fern. She may still be a child, but she needs to have a say in her future. I can’t take that away from her. And I can’t deny that her powers are more than any of us can handle.” She shook her head when he opened his mouth to interrupt. “Fern wants to learn from Rafe. Seeing his power made her feel more comfortable about her own.”
    “You don’t think he’ll try anything funny?”
    “No, I don’t think so.” Orianna looked over to where Fern played with Keene Leif as his father, Maddock, watched over them. “She deserves to get the chance to know him. I’m sure he won’t be around any longer than necessary.”
    “I still don’t like this.”
    Enid felt a small thrill as she caught sight of Hephaestus hovering near the couple. The spirit moved closer to the angry groom-to-be and bowed to Orianna. “Begging your pardon, but I would like a moment with your young man, if you do not mind.”
    “Of course not,” said Orianna.
    Caedmon followed Hephaestus a few feet away.
    The older man looked around at the rest of the group as he spoke in a low voice. “Take care, young Master McFarland. Pride goeth before a fall.”
    She sensed the strength of Caedmon’s anger through her connection. Hephaestus didn’t seem to be calming him. “Fern doesn’t need two fathers. She has me. Ori can’t seem to understand that.”
    “Your young lady is thinking of her child. You must respect her intuition.” Hephaestus looked over to where Fern and Keene played as Orianna had. The warm sensation he felt at watching them passed through his connection to Enid. “Fatherhood is not a competitive sport. You had best learn that lesson sooner rather than later.”
    Caedmon also looked at the kids. His shoulders slumped in a sign of defeat. “You’re right. She needs to get to know the other person who helped bring her into this world. We’ll let Fern train with her father.”
    Hephaestus stepped back as Orianna rushed over to hug Caedmon. “Thank you.” She stood on tip-toe and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.
    The spirit glided away.
    As she had back in the storeroom, Enid once again found herself in the mind of Hephaestus Hallow. This time she didn’t see him recalling a memory of his distant past. He seemed to be thinking of a time not so long before. Hours earlier, in fact.
    An image of her own face filled his mind as he thought about the discussion they had up in his bedchamber. I have

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