A Time for Change

A Time for Change by Marquaylla Lorette

Book: A Time for Change by Marquaylla Lorette Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marquaylla Lorette
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they were learning the ropes and when they were in training for the titles they held today. All of them knew they needed to step back and let them learn by trial and error, but it was hard when it was their pups. It was hard for them to realize they weren’t pups any longer, even if they had mates.
    “So, let’s step back and get together with Chelsea and the others to pick the Enforcers to guard the school after the battle. Today, we can go over the council meeting. Yesterday, I was called to a surprise council meeting without any prior knowledge. As some of you already know, they had just received a petition to change the terms of the Beta Battle. The rules are now both the first battle and the loser’s battle will take place the same day and the final battle will be the next day. I think whoever tried to kill Charity and Trevor had the petition signed and sent it in yesterday on purpose. It seemed like the petition was a decoy. They wanted me out of the house for some reason and the rules of the battle to be changed,” Baron said.
    “We have to figure out who started the petition and just maybe we will figure out who is behind the attacks on the Isle and James and his family,” Cornelius suggested.
    They all agreed to keep what they were doing away from James and the others and that Baron was going to get the petition from the council.
    Chelsea went behind one of the trees, slipped off her clothes, and put her bathing suit on. She quickly made her way to the water spring. She was finally going to be able to enjoy it. Every time she tried to enjoy the spring, Ace would decide to try to do something dangerous. When they were younger, Eli or whoever else they were camping with, had to come get her to stop Ace, but now that James was here, she was going to let him deal with Ace’s antics while she enjoyed herself in the water spring until dinner.
    Chelsea sank down into the warm spring water and closed her eyes—this was the most relaxing she felt in a long time. For the past twelve years, she was on edge with worry about Jadelyn being hurt or killed by some of the shifters on the Isle. Now that Eli was back, she could finally relax for the moment.
    Chelsea could feel as the others climbed into the water spring from the sway of the water. She could hear their chatter but was so relaxed she didn’t want to open her eyes just yet. When Chelsea finally opened her eyes, she noticed they had the adult version of Would You Rather out and Jadelyn was handing out margaritas.
    “Chelsea, it is you turn since everybody else has answered a question except you. So, Chelsea, would you rather have sex on an airplane and have someone catch you or would you rather have sex on a plane and everybody hear you?” Jadelyn asked, trying her hardest to hold in a laugh.
    “No brainer, I would rather have one person catch us instead of the whole plane looking at me like I am crazy,” Chelsea answered as she took a sip of her margarita, causing a fit of giggles from the rest of her girlfriends.
    Chelsea reached for one of the cards and turned to Jadelyn. “Jadelyn, would you rather have a stranger catch you having sex or your parents?”
    “A complete stranger without a doubt, all of you all have met my dad. Now would you want him catching you having sex?” Jadelyn said to them with her eyes open wider than normal.
    “Hell no, I would rather one of my mothers’ catch me instead of your dad. Jadelyn’s dad has this scary way of looking at you that makes you feel like a child again whenever he catches you doing something,” Chelsea answered.
    After all of them answered one of the Would You Rather sex questions, they moved on to different subjects until not a single card or category remained.
    Ace picked up his skateboard. He was going to jump from the cliff they were on, to the cliff above the waterfall, even though the waterfall cliff had a twenty foot height distance from the cliff they were standing

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