“No, Ace, you are not going to jump the cliff, look at the height distance. We cannot afford for you to get hurt before the battle,” James said.
“I am not going to get hurt. I am going to make it. I got this, I just need a little adrenaline rush,” Ace answered.
“Nah, let’s go get the dirt bikes out of the shed,” Eli answered.
“What dirt bikes?” James answered.
“I had some of the Enforcers bring the dirt bikes to the shed when they brought the school supplies out here,” Eli answered. They all agreed and followed Eli to the shed behind the school.
One by one they pulled out a dirt bike, started them up, and took off for the muddy hills. For hours, they rode up and down the dirt hills, until dinnertime.
Chelsea, Charity, Jadelyn, and Treasure didn’t climb out of the water spring until they could see the beautiful stars in the sky. By the time they returned to the camp, the guys had already set up logs they could sit on around the fire. Ace told campfire stories as they all ate the chili Chelsea had put on earlier.
“How about we play dominos, a quick game of rummy and volleyball?” Jadelyn asked after everyone was finished with their dinner.
“Alright, girls against boys like always?” Chelsea asked.
“Sure but what do the winners get?” James asked.
“That is between the winner and their mate or mates,” Ace said.
Jadelyn got the net and ball out of the game bag, and sat it next to the fire. The guys got up and put it together while the girls went over their strategy. James called them over when the net was finished.
“We should have asked for Charity to be on our team,” James said.
“Why?” Trevor asked.
“Because she was one of the top ten in the world for volleyball,” Eli answered.
“Well why didn’t you tell us before we agreed to this?” Greg asked.
“Because Eli and I were the ones who taught her how to play and helped her practice. We know all of her moves since we taught them to her,” James answered.
“Alright but this better not be one of those cases of when the student becomes the teacher,” Trevor said.
“Fuck, we are screwed. Chelsea and Jadelyn were the top volleyball players on the Isle,” Ace said.
Chelsea played the outside hitter, which was a great all-around player. Chelsea was all over the field blocking shots and making points. It was hard for the guys to stop her shots. James dove for a couple and still missed them as he hit the ground.
Charity served the libero. Not only is this the passer on the court but also the digger, she had to pass it to Jadelyn, who was the setter, meaning Charity hit it to her and Jadelyn made the decision to hit it to either Chelsea or Treasure. Treasure was more involved with blocking the shots the guys sent over.
The guys, on the other hand, were just all over the place. No one knew where they were supposed to be, making it harder to play. A couple of times Ace and Eli ran into each other trying to go for the ball.
Charity served the ball to Jadelyn who hit it to Chelsea. Chelsea knocked the ball over the net and straight for Ace’s face, causing everyone to laugh. They played volleyball for the next hour with the girls winning. After playing volleyball, they played three games of dominos, where they guys won, but the girls won at rummy, making it two out of three wins. Each couple headed to their separate tents after the games were over.
Two hours after Chelsea, James, Ace, and their friends went to bed, the shifter Aishe called was watching them. He felt a strong pull to the shifters camping and had no clue why. He was watching the tents surrounding areas when he heard the sound of leaves rustling. He immediately shifted and went to investigate the sound. When he got to where the sound was coming from just moments ago, the lion shifter saw two wolf shifters and a lion shifter trying to sneak up on the campsite. He knew he had to catch them one by one without making any
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