A Tangled Web (A Books We Love Erotic Romance)

A Tangled Web (A Books We Love Erotic Romance) by Summer Jordan Page B

Book: A Tangled Web (A Books We Love Erotic Romance) by Summer Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Summer Jordan
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impossible to hold back any longer.
    They began to fuck hard and fast and it felt so good, Erin had to bite her lip to keep from crying out. Then her body dissolved in spasms. Her juices flowed. She moaned and Derek shouted as he shot his cum. She'd discovered last night he was marvellous in bed, and he'd just proved it again.
    * * *
    Erin hummed a tune as she sat at her desk, staring unseeingly at a work list and envisioning Derek's face in her mind's eye. He was beautiful. With the dark wave of hair falling on his forehead and the twinkle in his eye softening the honed planes of his face, he looked like a mischievous boy. Ah, but there was nothing boyish about him. He was all man.
    She loved the feel of his moustache grazing her breasts when he laved her nipples, and the hair on his chest rubbing against her skin.
    Margo seated herself in the client's chair across from Erin . "What are you so happy about?" she asked. "As if I didn't know." Laughing, she rolled her eyes. "You came in this morning looking like the canary that swallowed a cat, and since you've done that every day for a week now, I assume you're on a steady diet of sex with Lover Man."
    She leaned forward to see what Erin had written. "Have you finished my shopping list yet?"
    Erin cast a startled gaze at the paper in front of her, and seeing her work was less than half done, shrugged. She didn't blush. She smiled. She was a different woman these days. Derek came over each night after work, and he'd had last evening off so they'd gone uptown and eaten at a little Italian restaurant he knew and then went to the cinema where they held hands like a couple of teenagers. He made her happy.
    "I'll get right on this, Margo." She'd jotted the notes Lea had called in and was putting them in legible order.
    "So, how is that hot-blooded Italian?" Margo asked, leaning forward to plant her elbows on the desk.
    "Wonderful. Terrific. Stupendous."
    "You've fallen hard, haven't you? You were never like this with Mitch. Lea must have been right. He wasn't your type."
    "I see that now. Mitch did call last night while I was out. He left a message, saying he missed me and to phone him if I'd like to get together. Of course, I didn't."
    "I'm surprised you aren't yawning after staying up late waiting for Derek each night."
    "It's all the exercise I'm getting in bed that enervates me." She chuckled, the throaty sound that her partners insisted she was famous for, reminding her she'd been laughing a lot lately. Derek was so much fun, they even chuckled in bed. "Here you go." She pushed the list across the table to Margo.
    "Has the L-word been mentioned yet?"
    Love. "No. He hasn't said anything of a serious nature." Was that why they laughed so much? Was he purposely keeping things light? A shiver crept along Erin 's spine. She shook her head. It was just too early in the game for talk of love. "I think he may be one of those men who're commitment phobic. Otherwise, he would have been married before now. So I'll tread lightly and give him the space he needs."
    "What about Joey? Does Derek like kids? Will inheriting a stepson, if you two should decide to marry, bother him?"
    "I'd guess he wouldn't mind. Assuming he likes kids, most men like fathering boys so they can teach them masculine things, and Joe is old enough to appreciate that. Joseph is into cars but not in the sense most males are. He doesn't rebuild engines or putter in the garage. He just buys and drives them. And he doesn't like sports, so Joey could use another man in his life. One who isn't so intent on culture and social standing."
    Margo shrugged. "Speaking of the latter, does it bother you that Derek's a bartender? I'll bet it would irk Joseph if you gave his son a man in that social stratum for a stepfather."
    "Tough. I don't have any problem with it and that's what matters. Why should I worry whether my ex thinks working as a bartender is low class?" She took off the half glasses she wore when working and sat

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