Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3)

Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3) by Amanda Bennett

Book: Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3) by Amanda Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Bennett
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and I woke up at the ass crack of dawn this morning, to get the tree house from
my old house. I swear I thought I was going to break my back, and nearly did,
but it made it all worth it, just seeing her face at this moment. I knew she
wasn't looking directly at Charlie and me now, but I could see it in her eyes
that we were on her mind. If this old weathering structure brought that much
joy to her, I was willing to practically break my back every day. I tore my
eyes away from my breathtaking wife when our daughter started squealing next to
me. I looked down just as her bluish-grey eyes caught mine, and my heart
melted. She was definitely a replica of me, but I could see so much of Bennett
in her as well. She was beautiful and all mine.
twenty months, Charlie was already on the move and getting into everything she
possibly could. I bent down to pick up her small fragile body and lifted her
into the tree house. She let out an adorable giggle when I did so, and I
couldn't help but laugh along with her.
like you're new toy, baby girl?"
just shook her head and her tiny, copper brown ringlets pelted her in the face,
making her giggle even more. I tugged on the zipper of her puffy coat and
followed her inside the small structure. Once inside, she went straight for the
couch in the middle and curled up into a tight ball. Not wanting to wait to
hold her again, I pulled her onto my lap and started running my fingers through
her hair. Within minutes, she was out like a light. I smiled down at my precious
baby girl and sat back in amazement.
    I still
found it hard to believe that everything had ended up the way it did. Granted
we still had our ups and downs, but we were all on the mend and there was
nothing that could break us at this point. Still to this day, I would lay my
life down for my girls and soon to be son.
had been doing absolutely wonderful since the whole ordeal with Raylon. She was
almost always in good spirits and I think she was finally starting to sleep a
little easier at night. I still worried myself to death, but I was slowly
starting to realize that there was nobody left to hurt us anymore. Theo and I
had tried for a couple of months to track down Raylon's sister, but we never
could find her. Bennett knew she was still out there somewhere, but never
worried too much about a run in with her. She knew that Theo and I had tried to
find her on multiple occasions, but I never told her that I still had one of my
private investigators keeping his feelers out, if and when she decided to make
an appearance.
    Not too
long after making the decision to leave the force, Theo and I played around
with the idea of opening our own private investigating firm. It didn't take
long to agree that it was the right thing for both of us. With the leftover money
I had from my parent's estate and what Theo had been saving, we had more than
enough to start it up and still have money to support us until business picked
enough, our little company took off almost immediately. We signed a contract
with the Connecticut Police Department and a couple other private security
companies and everything was going really well. I love being home with my girls
and being able to wait on Bennett while she carries our other miracle. It
seriously has been a dream come true. I'll admit I was
being extremely overprotective as of late, but I just couldn't imagine what I
would do if something ever happened to my family. They were my entire world and
nothing would ever stop me from doing whatever was necessary to keep them safe
and happy.
started to stir and the wind had picked up quite a bit, so I stood to take her
inside and lay her down for her nap. Every step I took closer to the house, the
more I could feel her presence. It was amazing how my body reacted to this
woman and it thrilled me to no end.
    I slid
open the back door and peeked my head inside. When I couldn't see Bennett
anywhere my breath

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