Point of Impact

Point of Impact by Stephen Hunter

Book: Point of Impact by Stephen Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephen Hunter
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fourteen-hundred-yard job that blew out your hip and the spine shot on Donny Fenn.”

    It was amazing, Dr. Dobbler was thinking. His self-control was astonishing. No gasp, no double take, as if it didn’t matter. Swagger simply took it in, and went on, his concentration unmodified, his glare unblinking. No signs of excitation as were common to the species in moments of conflict. No rapid breathing, no facial coloration, no lip-licking, muscular tension.
No excitation!
No wonder he had been such an extraordinary soldier in battle.
    Dobbler wondered how rare this was. Was it as rare, say, as the ability to hit a major league fastball, a gift given to about a hundred babies a year? Or was it extraordinarily rare, such as the ability to hit a major league fastball for an average of .350 or better, which arrives to a baby once in a generation or so? Dobbler knew he’d come across something rare and it gave him a thrill. It scared him, too.
    Bob was leaning forward.
    “You don’t give a shit about Donny Fenn. There’s only two of us left in the world that remember that young man. And you don’t give a shit about my bad pin.”
    “You know what, Swagger? You’re right. I don’t give a shit about Donny Fenn. And I don’t care about your hip. But I care about this Russian. Because he’s back. He’s hunting again.”
    Nick put fifty cents in and after a bit, somewhere inside the machine there was a shifting and a clunking, and after another bit, a can of diet Coke rolled down a chute and banged into the bin. He pulled it out, peeled the pop top back and took a long, bracing swig.
    “Damn,” said Hap Fencl, “fifty cents. In our building the goddamn things cost seventy-five.”
    But Nick didn’t respond.
    “I can’t think why a guy would
to be next to a Coke machine,” he finally said. “Hell, two Coke machines, two Pepsi machines, an ice machine, and a machine that drops bags of stale peanuts.” He gestured to the little arsenal of vending equipment clustered in the alcove just outside room 58.
    “Maybe the guy had a sweet tooth. Never wanted to be away from the machine.”
    “No, it’s the last room you’d take, you got guys dropping quarters or rattling through the ice all night long. It doesn’t make a lot of sense.”
    “Nick, he thought he was being followed maybe. So, he wants a room where there’s a lot of action outside in the hallways, figuring it might scare the hitters off. These guys, though—
would have scared them off.”
    “Yeah, but—”
    “Hey, Nick, you’re not thinking straight. You’ve seen a dozen of these things, not quite so bloody. It’s a straight drug-trade wipeout, the Colombians or the Peruvians or whatever sending the word “out that they are not to be disobeyed or nasty things happen. This guy got caught snitching; went underground; they caught him and whacked his butt good. Okay?”
    Nick nodded. Still, it bothered him.
    Why me, he thought. Why would this guy call
of all people on the day my wife dies.
    He emptied the Coke can in one wet, sweet swig.
    “Here he is, Mr. Swagger,” said the colonel. “The man who shot Donny Fenn. And who crippled you.”
    Bob looked at the face that the colonel had brought to the television screen with the snap of a remote control. He tried to see some special thing there, something that said shooter, something that said sniper. What he saw was a lean hard face, a face that had no nonsense init. The eyes were slotted and dark, like gun slits; the cheekbones were streamlined knobs; the hair a tight military sheen. There was a streak of the Orient in him in the slight flare of his cheekbones—he looked like a Mongol.
    “Solaratov, T. We think that’s his name. But nobody knows what the T stands for.”
    Bob just grunted, because he didn’t know what else was available.
    “T. Solaratov, as photographed from quite a distance away by an agent code-named Flowerpot in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 1988. Our last picture of him,

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