A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds

A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds by Alexia Vella Deguara

Book: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds by Alexia Vella Deguara Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexia Vella Deguara
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Her face had gone pale.
    “ I
mean, how could she ever leave a man like David, I wouldn't have done
that if a had the chance.”
    “ Honey...
    At that moment the doctor
came in and told me to go with him, they wanted to do some more
tests. I was really fed up of all this and prayed it would finish
soon so that I could go back home. At that moment, it came to my mind
that I didn't know where home was. Did I live with my mum?
    Angela's POV
    I didn't know if I were able
to keep going like this. It was getting more difficult each day to
 hide the truth. She had to know sooner or later. She couldn't
live in a lie even though she doesn't remember anything. At that
moment, I heard my mobile ringing. I picked it up and saw it was
    “ Hello.”
    “ Hello
Angela, it's me Eddie. How are you?”He asked in his deep voice.
    “ I'm
fine thank you. You?”
    “ I'm
OK. Listen I phoned to see how Cassidy is doing. I'm sorry I couldn't
come to visit her, but I've been very busy lately. Tyler is in
rehab,” he said then.
    My eyes widened... Rehab?
What was going on?
    “ What?
Rehab for what?” I asked astonished.
    “ He's
been drinking heavily in the past weeks. He's depressed Angela. He
keeps blaming himself for the accident, and all,”he explained.
    “ Oh,
but how is he now?”
    “ Well,
he's in healing process, although the beginning is never easy. But
he'll be OK.”
    “ So
he's living in the clinic?”
    “ Yes,
for now. And Cassidy?” He asked.
    “ She's
OK. She'll be out next week. Listen Edward, since she doesn't
remember anything, I thought that I would keep her with me for now.
I've bought a new house here.”
    “ Really?”
His tone surprised me, he seemed happy. “Well Angela, I think
that is the best solution for now, when Tyler is better he'll come to
see her then we'll see. Listen tonight I'll be at Tyler's house if
you want to come and take some things for Cassidy.”
    “ Yes
that would be great Edward.” I drawled.
    “ OK,
at what time?”
    “ Erm..
I don't know.”
    “ Seven
thirty? We'll have dinner together. Is that OK for you? So we can
talk about the future of our children.”
    For a moment, I was left
speechless. Was this a date?
    “ Angela?”
    “ Erm..
yeah fine.” I said after a long pause.
    “ OK,
see you later, have a nice day.”
    I said bye and hung up. I
stared at the wall and felt extremely excited. My heart was beating
fast too. I had always found Edward attractive, he had everything I
loved in a man. He was tall, had beautiful blue eyes like Tyler's, he
was handsome and charming. He was powerful, wealthy.. what else? Oh,
Angela you're not young anymore for goodness sake! I slapped myself
mentally. And this wasn't a date, just a meeting to discuss the
future of our children. Wasn't this the way he had put it. Well
children or not, I was going to pass an evening in the company of a
handsome man and the thought of that was more than enough to keep a
smile on my face for the whole day.
    David's POV
    I felt nervous, maybe even
more than my daughter. She hadn't said a word from when we left home.
We were on our way to go to visit Cassidy. Kylie's was excited to see
her, but I had to explain that she couldn't call her mummy and that
for Cassidy it would be like the first time they met. I didn't know
if she had understood. She had said it was OK and that the important
thing was that her mum didn't die. I was very proud of my little
angel; life had been very hard on her from the day she was born.
Finally, we arrived, I parked my car and opened Kylie's door. She
gave me her hand and we walked straight to the lift. She was silent
and this was worrying me.
    “ Kylie.”
I said breaking silence.
    “ Dad
I'm fine OK.”
    “ OK.
You remember what I told you right?”
    “ Yes
daddy, I have to call her Cassidy and she can't know that I'm her
daughter.” She said in an annoyed tone. “You've repeated
this many times. I have understood.”
    “ Yes
that's it.”
    When the lift

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