A Rocky Path
one of the chairs, then he made a pot of Earl Grey tea.
    Emily took a sip of the hot tea and felt the
warmth seep through her body. She had seemed to pick up a chill,
and she didn’t know whether it was the October weather or the shock
she had gotten in the café. In any case, she was grateful for the
tea and the kindness of Jarrod Connelly.
    “Alright, young lady, suppose you tell me
what’s going on. Why did you faint in the restaurant? And why do
you believe that I will think you’re crazy?”
    “Oh, Jarrod, it’s the craziest thing! And it
may be a complete coincidence, the name being the same. But it all
seems to add up now.”
    “What, my dear? Don’t be afraid to talk to
    Emily felt a weight lift off of her as she
began to tell the older gentleman about Patrick, and the events
surrounding the two of them. And what she now felt like was the
real truth.
    “Jarrod, it all makes sense. I always felt
like he had feelings for me, but then he would suddenly do a
complete about face. Then he told me later that there were reasons
we couldn’t be together and how he was protecting me. He said I
wouldn’t be able to handle the truth. And the way he just seemed to
appear out of nowhere. I thought that he was just good at sneaking
up on me. Because I was daydreaming a lot when I was at the rocks.
But now I see that maybe he was just…I don’t
know… materializing .”
    “Emily, are you trying to tell me that you
think this Patrick you have met is the same Patrick that lived 150
years ago?”
    “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. I know
it sounds crazy and I could be wrong, but it just all fits
    “Do you really believe in ghosts?” he
    “I never did before. I never even entertained
the possibility of ghosts. You either go to Heaven or Hell. No
roaming the earth because of unfinished business. But now I think I
believe it. I can’t explain it, but I believe it.”
    “Hmmm. It’s not beyond the realm of
possibility. I like to keep an open mind about things. This time
I’m having to open my mind a bit wider than usual. But I’m not
saying it’s not true. It does seem to make sense.”
    “I need to talk to him! I really need to find
out if it’s true,” said Emily.
    “And then what will you do? You said you had
feelings for this man. And you also seemed to think he had feelings
for you, although he had a funny way of showing it sometimes. So
now that you believe he has been around for about 150 years, what
do you think your relationship could possibly be?”
    “I don’t know! I just know that I can’t just
go on not knowing. He kept saying that we couldn’t have a
relationship. This must be why. He thought I would freak out if I
knew the truth. I can’t blame him for thinking that. I’m sure most
people would have trouble being as calm as you and I seem to be
about this. I wonder if there is any possibility of a relationship
between a live person and a ghost.”
    “Emily, are you listening to yourself? Do you
really think that you can just be with him as if he is a normal
everyday person?”
    “No, I guess that isn’t possible. But I can
touch him. He feels as real as you and me. So why can’t we be
    “He’s a ghost, for crying out loud! How can
you even entertain the idea of having him as a lover?”
    “I don’t know, Jarrod. I’m so confused. I’ve
been in love with him for awhile. Now that I know, or at least
suspect, that he’s a ghost, my feelings haven’t changed. It hasn’t
changed who he really is. He’s been the same person all along. I
just have to look at things from a different perspective.”
    Jarrod sighed. “I hope you know what you’re
doing, young lady. I don’t feel comfortable about this at all.”
    “I’m not real thrilled with this situation
myself. But if I really and truly love him, and I believe I do,
then I have to accept whoever and whatever he is.”
    “You really are a remarkable young lady,
Emily. I wish

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