A Rocky Path
and he confronted her with it?
There are still a lot of unanswered questions.”
    “Wow. I didn’t even know you were interested
in any of this!” she exclaimed.
    “I write detective novels, remember? I always
love a good mystery!”
    They talked for a long time and speculated
about what happened. Little did Sam know how important the answers
were to her! She had to talk to Patrick. There had to be some way
to find him.
    * * *
    Down in the basement, Emily was staring at
the picture of Patrick. She felt a longing in her heart that she
couldn’t suppress. The longer she went without seeing him, the more
she wanted him. This picture was definitely Patrick. How could she
have thought that those sapphire eyes could belong to anyone
    She put the paintings of the two lovers side
by side and studied them. These two people were both very
attractive. How could this woman have betrayed him with another
man? Patrick was by far the most desirable man she had ever met.
She could just look at him and her body burned for his touch. What
other man could have caused this girl to want someone else besides
    She sighed as she thought about what had
happened to Patrick 150 years ago. Why was he still here? Did he
remember what happened to him? She had read about ghosts before and
how they wandered the earth when there was unfinished business. She
didn’t know if that was true or if it was just speculation. She
needed to find someone who could help her know the truth about
ghosts and why they were here. Maybe Jarrod would know of someone
she could talk to. She wasn’t sure he would help her because he
didn’t really approve of what she wanted. But he would probably
help her anyway because he really liked her and wanted her to be
    Emily went back up the stairs to her room. As
she entered the room, she felt like something was different. She
smelled a pleasant scent, like fresh air and the sea. She looked
around, and then she saw it. Propped up against the wall next to
her bed was a canvas covered in a cloth. She walked over to it, and
with shaking hands, pulled the cloth off. She couldn’t believe what
she was seeing. There, on the canvas, was a likeness of her,
painted with the eye of someone who cared deeply about his subject.
Her knees buckled and she collapsed to the floor in front of the
picture. As she looked at it, she seemed to feel every stroke of
the brush that Patrick had held in his hand. If the picture of the
blond woman was good, this one was magnificent. He had portrayed
her with a dreamy expression on her face, as if she were thinking
of someone she loved. Her dark hair billowed around her face, her
cheeks were a little flushed, and her lips were slightly parted.
And on her finger was the silver ring. This was the most beautiful
portrait she had ever seen. He had to have painted her from memory
because this picture was not a duplicate of the one he had drawn.
And yet he had remembered every detail of her face. How could a man
paint a woman like this unless he loved her?
    Emily saw something white peeking out from
behind the picture. She reached down and picked it up. She saw that
it was a letter. Her heart skipped a beat. It was from Patrick!
    Dearest Emily,
    I regret that we parted in the way that we
did. I know that I hurt you, but that was never my intention. The
more time we spent together, the harder it was for me to let you
go. I wonder over and over whether or not I made the correct
decision. The hurt look on your face will haunt me forever. But I
had to decide what was best for you, regardless of how I felt. It
tore my heart out to leave you. Every day I am tempted to come to
our special place, find you, and tell you everything about me and
why I am the way I am. As you go through your life, I want you to
know and remember this…you will always be loved. No matter how hard
I tried not to love you, I couldn’t stop my feelings. I love you
more than you will ever realize. I hope this

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