A Promise of Tomorrow

A Promise of Tomorrow by Rowan McAllister

Book: A Promise of Tomorrow by Rowan McAllister Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rowan McAllister
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his nephew, and you’re mooning over him like a lovesick girl. After you hear from your aunt, you’ll probably never see the man again, and he’ll be well rid of you.
    But the man was a pleasure to look at. Kyle could at least admit that to himself without guilt. So look at himhe did. He just had to keep a tighter reinonhis errant thoughts, that was all.
    In time, the pleasant view and the rhythmic bouncing of the carriage eased the ache in his head and allowed him to relax and simply enjoy his journey in the well-appointed carriage. The heat of the day made him drowsy, and it wasn’t long before his own head was nodding.
    Somehow all will turn out right , he thought hopefully. And I will figure out some way to repay all the kindnesses I have received. I will!
Those were his last thoughts before he fellasleep.
AMES was a bit too warm but as comfortable as one could be in a carriage bouncing over rutted roads. He’d been drowsing nearly since they’d climbed into the carriage that morning, just allowing himself to drift in semi-consciousness as they had passed through the city and out onto the road. He hadn’t slept well the night before, and he knew he wasn’t going to be pleasant company, so he decided to take advantage ofthe longhours inthe carriage and relax, keepinghis mind purposelyblank.
    He must have fallen asleep at some point, because it wasn’t until he felt slightly cooler air on areas that had been almost uncomfortably warm before that he realized his waistcoat had been opened and pushed aside. Looking down in surprise, he found green eyes flecked with gold staring back at him from beneath a mop of short black curls. On his knees on the floorboards of the carriage, between James’s spread thighs, Allen was busily unbuttoning his trousers.
“What…?” he said in confusion, trying to shake the cobwebs fromhis head.
“Shhhh,”Allensaid. “It’s allright. Let me.”
    Stunned, James couldn’t think of anything to say, and as he felt Allen’s warm hand slide into his trousers and those long, elegant fingers wrap around his quickly hardening cock, any thought of speakingleft himentirely.
    A gentle tug from that hand pulled him free of his clothes, and he could feel the slight breeze from the window kiss the tip of his shaft. Before he could become used to the sensation, however, another warm hand joined the first, higher up, pulling down gently to expose his crown, and a warmwet tongue circled and dipped into his slit. Eyes never leaving James’s, Kyle ran his tongue in an everwidening circle around the crown of his cock, then dipped to tease the lengthofhis shaft inlazycircles withthe pointed tip.
    James groaned, aching to feel that warm mouth surround him even in the summer heat, and bucked his hips to show his impatience with the teasing. Another time, he would have gladly held still and let the man torment him as long as possible, but he wanted this too much. He’d been fantasizing about this particular mouth since the first moment he’d laid eyes onAllen, and, knowing he wasn’t going to last long, he wanted to be init before he spent.
    Allen took his not-so-subtle hint and cupped his tongue around James’s shaft, sliding back up to the crown before pursing those sweet lips and pullinghiminside that deliciouslywet haven.
    James groaned again as he felt himself slide all the way in and brush the back ofAllen’s throat before being pulled back to edge of those lips. As he watched, Allen set a steady rhythm with his hand and mouth, the occasional jostling of the carriage over ruts and bumps in the road creating a not-unpleasant counterpoint, but James still wanted more. Bracing one arm against the side of the carriage and threading the other into Allen’s hair, he angled his hips further forward.
“Harder,” he growled, hand clenching in Allen’s damp black curls and knees braced oneither side ofhis slimhips to steadyhim.
    The suction and rhythm increased as Allen’s eyes closed and

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