Quite unlike someone else I’d become familiar with…
    I shook my head. No need to cloud my day thinking about him .
    “ So, ready to look for some mushrooms?” I asked.
    “ Sure!”
    “ This time, don’t go running off on me,” I warned. “I’m not fast enough to keep up with you, and you wouldn’t want to lose me and have to go back alone would you?”
    He flashed a toothy grin, then grabbed my arm to make sure I couldn’t get away. We strode on, arm in arm, until we made it to the top of the ridge. Just beyond lay a small valley, where grasses and wildflowers flowed down from the base of the trees and swayed in the breeze. A small creek meandered its way from side to side, like a snake carving a way through the undergrowth. The water glistened under the sunlight, each ripple dancing to its own song. I turned; Daniel was staring at me with a shimmer in his eye.
    I proceeded into the opening, my fingers outstretched so they could touch the plants as I walked by. I leaned down further to take in the fragrances. It was such a sweet scent; it made my heart still and kept my worrisome thoughts at bay.
    I looked up into the sunlight and closed my eyes, warmed by the summer rays. After a few moments I turned to find Daniel next to me. A small smile grew on my lips. He was so different than Colt and Callon. The way his black hair fell on his face, and the freckles on his nose that I hadn’t seen before, made him seem younger than he was. He was so genuine, so open, and so comfortable to be around. It was as if he were my brother, a brother I’d never had, but always wanted.
    I took a few more steps, found a small patch of soft grass by the creek, and sat down. I loved the gentle gushing of a creek. The trickle of a river was beautiful too, but rivers could also be loud, roaring, overpowering. A creek was gentle, relaxing. It caressed my mind; a song to ease the pains of the soul. Daniel sat nearby and I closed my eyes again, taking it all in. We both remained still for a long time, until I finally broke the tranquility.
    “ Thank you,” I whispered. “I needed this today.“ How he knew I didn’t care. The fact that he did warmed me on the inside. A cabin filled with cold stares from he who must be obeyed and not talking with Colt had taken its toll.
    “ You’re welcome, Cheyenne. This is one of my favorite places. I was hoping you’d like it, too.”
    He had me there; I loved this place. But we’d been gone for too long. It was time to head back.
    I only needed a handful of mushrooms, and once they were stowed away, we began the hike back. It took less time than I expected. Upon entering the cabin, both Callon and Colt were sitting in the great room, in deep discussion. Their voices hushed, and I went to the kitchen and started pulling out pans to make dinner, hoping if I ignored them they would continue talking. They had gone to the store and set the items out on the counter to make it easier. I took a calming breath. Phase two of my plan was about to begin.
    I made the pie first. With the oven on, I created the piecrust. I then proceeded to make the berry filling, being careful when touching the small Wallow berries. I pulled the leaves out, rinsed them, and secretly put them into my mouth and chewed. They were vile, and the taste made me want to gag. I swallowed hard to get them down.
    Mixing the special berries together with the huckleberries, I added in the remaining ingredients and poured the contents into the piecrust, quickly covering the filling with the top crust and placing it in the oven.
    I glanced at the trio, as they’d remained in the great room. “Do you mind if we have an early dinner?”
    Callon nodded. “Sure, that’d work for us.”
    “ Great, I’m starving. Hope you’re hungry.” I grinned and returned to my work. They were still discussing something in hushed tones too quiet for me to hear. Did they suspect what was going on?
    Concentrating on my task at hand, I finished making

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